Twinkies Being Sold For $1000 on Ebay and Craigslist

meechz 024

Active Member
Someone is going to hesitate at first, finally buy these, eat them up in two seconds, and then cry themselves to sleep.


Well-Known Member
i just checked ebay cause i had to see this and guess what the highest asking price is....250,000 for one box of 10! lol


Well-Known Member
Thats beyond dumb. The brands will not disappear. If this actually happens, the brands and the plants that produce them will be sold to other corporations and will continue to be manufactured, that has already been well stated in the media.

I'm broke right now though, maybe some dumbfuk hilljack will buy my twinkies for half the price of this guy!


Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
Sort of reminded me of the game Moonwalker for the sega genesis. The game used to go for $1 to $3 bucks on ebay, then MJ died and an old beat up cart only copy goes for $75 now.