T'was the night before Christmas ...


Well-Known Member
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the grow,
Not a bud was trimmed yet, not even the Flo;

The lights were all hung from the ceiling with care,
In hopes that tomorrows yields would be good and fair;

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
Watching Sponge Bob bounce on his little sponge head;

And mamma with her kief, and I with my pipe,
Had just lit some Blue Berry, not harsh, picked ripe;

When out on the lawn there arose such a sound,

Away to the window I flew in a hazey flash,
Tore open the shutters, "Shit! Quick! Hide the stash!";

The lights were flashing on the new fallen snow,
Cops scattering everywhere, from the parking lot below;

When, what to my squinting eyes should appear,
But an officer at my door, his mustache a bit queer;

Shouting, knocking, hard and quick,
I knew in a moment, "This cop is a dick";

Faster than fast, his accusations they came,
He huffed, and he puffed, listed charges by name;

"Let us in, Let us in, let us search around",
"Just a few minutes, not even a sound";

With only empty threats, and no warrant in hand,
"Come back with the papers", "It's my constitutional stand";

So out the door the cops did go,
To harass the others living below;

And then, with a buzz, I heard on the roof,
"Am I high? or was that the sound of one or two hoof?";

As I started to shrug it off .. turning around,
Down the heating vent Santa came with weed bouncing the ground;

He was dressed all in hemp, from his head to his toe,
His clothes all tarnished with resin ... a smidge of blow;

Pounds of primo pot he flung on his back,
All the meds he needs for his cold shriveled sack;

His eyes .. how they twinkled! His face so merry!,
Puffiing on a blunt, down to the cherry!;

The smile on his face, drawn up like a bow,
And the beard on his chin as white as the blow;

He had a funny face with a big ole belly,
That shook like those hoes in the videos with Nelly;

Big and plump, yet high as a kite,
You haven't seen shit until you've seen such a sight;

He laughed and he giggled putting presents under the tree,
All the toys the kids want for some green, sticky and free;

With a quick glance and wink towards me,
I knew our garden was safe, 100% po-po free;

And laying his finger aside his nose,
After one snuff, up the heating vent he rose;

He sprang to his sleigh, giving his team each an ounce,
One hit with the Roor, each one began to bounce;

But I heard him exclaim as his sleigh went by,
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all GET HIGH!"