TV radiation


New Member
So I was gone for a few days and asked my sister to take care of my plant, well she decided to put a TV in my room as well but instead of putting it in a better location she decided why not put it next to the plant. Long story short my plant has half of it's leaves gone and now I'm freaking out bc this was legit the only thing I care about please help !


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i don't see how setting next to a television could hurt a plant, maybe make it stupider.......
i'd guess she either over or under watered it...probably under, as she was too involved with dr. phil and orca winfrey to pay attention to the one thing you asked her to do.
hard to tell from the pic, but they'll bounce back from most things, give it a little love and leave it alone for a few days


Well-Known Member
Im dying how there are some in the world that think tvs can kill a plant by radiation....

Holy shit do you live in a commune and think the end of the world is coming :-)


Well-Known Member
Is it even actual soil?
Looks like some water retaining stuff
My mother inlaw keeps in a bowl.
She thinks its decorations.