Tryin'it on this summer


Hi all, first grow season, 2 white widow & 2 northern lights (sensiseed feminized) in poly tunel.
12lt pots,50%miraclegrow compost 50% john innes No3 plus 1lt vermiculite & 1lt perlite per pot. seeds sewn in this mix (no re-pot stress) sewn 6th may now @ 55cm in hight, deep rich green & looking, frankly, very boysterous 'n scary!! now the solstice has passed I have taken 1 clone from each, they're in the propagator & lookin'ok (they better be they're of to the growbox indoors soon as!) Lighting by God, water (tap water that has stood in a bucket for at least 4 days) about 1lt per pot per week, the grow mix MUST be like dust a good 10cm down in the pot before re-watering Girls like it dry!! Well gotta go & read them girls a bedtime story, they get one every night- from the Arabian Nights.


Well-Known Member
they're just so precious... †whispers so his grls wont get jealous† Question, does the story help? I sing to mine, and I know that does, but I wasn't sure if just straight talking to them would...