Trying to reach 2-3 a light, in Greenhouse.

What's up guys. Ive pulling about a gram per watt. Which isn't horrible but i feel like with the added sunlight i should be hitting at least 2 or 3. Any tips or advice on upping yield in a greenhouse setting. Also worth noting i just switched from CMHs to HPSDE.
Don't take it personal, I was genuinely interested in how you benchmark an outdoor grow w/supplemental lighting. A better measure would be grams per sq. foot of your green house. Or some people do Oz per gallon.

What has made the biggest difference in yield for me, is automating my feeding. Second would be maximizing canopy space either with trellis or with training.
Don't take it personal, I was genuinely interested in how you benchmark an outdoor grow w/supplemental lighting. A better measure would be grams per sq. foot of your green house. Or some people do Oz per gallon.

What has made the biggest difference in yield for me, is automating my feeding. Second would be maximizing canopy space either with trellis or with training.
Think he mentioned that splaine was fore fronted and re directed. Also thought he said in another thread he masked the trilungin in the end so that would counter off the shell holder if it were to become present. Pretty sure thats how he is measuring lights.
Don't take it personal, I was genuinely interested in how you benchmark an outdoor grow w/supplemental lighting. A better measure would be grams per sq. foot of your green house. Or some people do Oz per gallon.

What has made the biggest difference in yield for me, is automating my feeding. Second would be maximizing canopy space either with trellis or with training.
Well the greenhouse is basically in 90% shade , the only "sunlight" its getting is from behind a huge freeway wall. Never direct so i basically count it out. Hence me asking as if it were indoor
Best way I know how to increase yield, is switching to rdwc, getting top of the line genetics, switching to high end LEDs, and adding co2 (not sure if thats possible for your green house)
Biggest factor is lighting...
The sun being the best light available.
Can you move the greenhouse into direct sunlight?
You will yield more than any hps or led if you can.