Trying to formulate first soil mixes:)


Well-Known Member
i hve ocen forest coming. I have vermiculite coming.

I am about to order perlite, light warrior, and this blend of funghi.

what do I really need what do I dont.

lol, I know tht is a big question. Just trying to at least get a starter for seeds soil going.

I ws thinking ocean forest, then because it is hot cutiing it with light warrioir and perlite? WHt ratios do you think?

Also I am curious about ph. Is this big deal in soil? Lol. Should I buy lime somewhere and if so the hydro stores dont carry it. They carry ph up and down though. Is this organic?

What would be the ratio for lime?

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
thanks, i got

ocean forest, light warrior, dolomite lime, and perlite.

I have botanicare pure blend pro
super plant tonic
liqid karma and dyna grow, i dont if i will use these with spt
worm compost for teas
also gonna use bat guano teas

I got fem ww coming
and while that vegs I got fem lowrider 2:)

i am using grow bags and a 400 mh/hps.

i was gonna upgrade to a 600 but I showed ymy weed around and people thought it was the best they had ever seen so I will just get a digi 400 and run that again;)


Well-Known Member
ffof or anyother soil needs perlite added to it although it will do fine by itself. Dolomite lime you usually get from nursery type spots as well as vermic, or perlite. both are good. also bat guano, castings, etc are good for flowering mixes or longer vegging mixes. you can get to the point of all water grows if you get the mix right..

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
Lol, all water grows, I cannot wait for that.

I have had to switch to Bio-bizz over pure blend pro as bio bizz is true organic and OMRI certified where as pbp is just based.

that was fun though, learned a lot.

Howver now that I am reading I am confused on teas and Bio-bizz fertiliser.

Some of these teas are way around 20 with bat guano for expample. My Bio bizz is way under 10 for the average NPK. I had thought all my butrients were supposed to come from the BIO BIZZ but I see now the tea which I had thought to give like vitamins or a super tonic is actually a lot more nexccary than I thought.

Does anyone have any feed mixes for teas? I have recipes I got on another site. I will post here. However with your typical organic fertiliser what teas should I feed and when. I know about the diferent guanos and how to read what is inside. Just confused on the feed schedules. I got some bagseed to practice on while I am waiting for my fem seeds. lr2 and ww.

here are some tea recipes I jsut read

Seedling Brew (less than 4 weeks old):
5 TBS Black Strap Molasses
1 cup Earth Worm Castings
5 tsp. Liquid Kelp Extract
5 Gallons of Water

Feed every 3rd watering with no dilution needed.

Vegetative Brew:
1/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano (careful, this stuff burns easily!)
1/3 cup Mexican Bat Guano
1/3 cup Earth Worm Castings
1/2 cup alfalfa meal
5 TBS Black Strap Molasses
5 TBS Liquid Kelp Extract
Optional: 2-5 TBS Fish Emulsion (depending on how strong you want it)

Feed every 3rd watering at 2 cups per 5 gallons water

Flowering Brew:
2/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano
1 cup Earth Worm Castings
2/3 cup Indonesian Bat Guano (High P)
1/2 cup alfalfa meal
5 TBS Black Strap Molasses
5 TBS Liquid Kelp Extract

Feed Every 3rd watering 3 cups per 5 gallons water.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
lol, some expensive teas, but shows they are out there, just do you think these supplement my bio bizz or are they repalcements. M

Man, i got a lot of reading to do. This is way better than my return to college.;)


New Member
will sugar/corn syrup/maple syrup work instead of molasses?
and i watered one plant with regular green tea and it really fucked it up.
just an experiment.


New Member
soil and the amendments
fox farm ocean forest
bat guano
bone meal
worm casting/ seaweed/mineral mix

liquid nutes
ff grow big
ff big bloom
grandmas molasses

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
just got some guano, for veg. I am figuring spt will go well with bio bizz grow and bloom. I will not be using the top max or root love becasue i am thinking spt will supplement.

also just killed a seedling of practice bag seed waiting for my fems to get here. Lol, I am bored waiting for the real stuff.


New Member
what ratio do you use for your soil mix and amendments KushKing949
well the majority ids the ff ocean forest then i just mix in what ever looks good and so far it has always worked.... i never worry about the ph of my soil because my plants have always done well