This is my second attempt at a journal, I was trying to do an AGvs Soil but had too many complications so I have retooled and I am starting all over, the 2 plants I had in the Ag died that is my second failed aero/hydro attempt, so I am thinking maybe water isnt for me I have successfully grown a plant in soil it turned out to be male, but I am more comfortable with it, so I am using a growbox I saw on here in the DIY forums here are the basics
2 rubbermaid bins ( had them left over from my failed bubler setup, I line them both with emergencey blankets which are super reflective, I then drilled 4 holes in the top, I have my lights suspended using wire for hanging pictures, makes it easier to adjust them and the stuff can hold up to 50lbs i think there are 6 bulbs total 4 26w warm and 2 26w day light, i had a heat problem the first day all of my pots were bone dry ant the outside of the tub was very warm to the touch, so I watered the pots again, i have a total of 6 small pots inside, and I cut a hole in the top tub and placed a fan to exhuast the heat from the lights, and i cut a hole in the side of the bottom tub t bring fresh air in, I am starting with 6 seeds all bag seed, 2 were germinating in my AG before I shut it down the others I used the old cup of water method, my camera sucks but I will take pics and please chime in often this is my 4 th grow attempt wish me luck
2 rubbermaid bins ( had them left over from my failed bubler setup, I line them both with emergencey blankets which are super reflective, I then drilled 4 holes in the top, I have my lights suspended using wire for hanging pictures, makes it easier to adjust them and the stuff can hold up to 50lbs i think there are 6 bulbs total 4 26w warm and 2 26w day light, i had a heat problem the first day all of my pots were bone dry ant the outside of the tub was very warm to the touch, so I watered the pots again, i have a total of 6 small pots inside, and I cut a hole in the top tub and placed a fan to exhuast the heat from the lights, and i cut a hole in the side of the bottom tub t bring fresh air in, I am starting with 6 seeds all bag seed, 2 were germinating in my AG before I shut it down the others I used the old cup of water method, my camera sucks but I will take pics and please chime in often this is my 4 th grow attempt wish me luck