Trump wants the Black vote


Well-Known Member
That laughing stock in the WH just sent a hostage negotiator to Sweden to attend the trial of the American rapper A$AP Rocky, who got into a brawl in Stockholm and was arrested for assault and faces up to 2 years in jail.

Robert O’Brien, the special envoy, has been sent to Stockholm by Trump to monitor court proceedings and to show support for the rapper, according to Swedish news agency TT.

O’Brien, whose real job is to advise the government on hostage issues, was selected for the trip by dopey for God knows what reason.(he likes hip hop?)

The president had demanded that Sweden release the rapper in a series of tweets published earlier this month.

“Sweden has let our African American community down in the United States. I watched the tapes of A$AP Rocky, and he was being followed and harassed by troublemakers,” he said.

“Treat Americans fairly!”

The president also called on the Swedish government to “give A$AP Rocky his freedom”.

Mr Trump personally spoke to Stefan Lofven, the Swedish prime minister and offered to personally guarantee the rapper’s bail but was told by Mr Lofven that he could not intervene in a legal case, and to go fuck yourself and stay out of Sweden's affairs.

Anyway, Trump is a clown and A$AP Rocky really isn't that good, but I bet he's sold a lot of albums as a result of this farce.

What do you think?

Grammy right?
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That laughing stock in the WH just sent a hostage negotiator to Sweden to attend the trial of the American rapper A$AP Rocky, who got into a brawl in Stockholm and was arrested for assault and faces up to 2 years in jail.

Robert O’Brien, the special envoy, has been sent to Stockholm by Trump to monitor court proceedings and to show support for the rapper, according to Swedish news agency TT.

O’Brien, whose real job is to advise the government on hostage issues, was selected for the trip by dopey for God knows what reason.(he likes hip hop?)

The president had demanded that Sweden release the rapper in a series of tweets published earlier this month.

“Sweden has let our African American community down in the United States. I watched the tapes of A$AP Rocky, and he was being followed and harassed by troublemakers,” he said.

“Treat Americans fairly!”

The president also called on the Swedish government to “give A$AP Rocky his freedom”.

Mr Trump personally spoke to Stefan Lofven, the Swedish prime minister and offered to personally guarantee the rapper’s bail but was told by Mr Lofven that he could not intervene in a legal case, and to go fuck your self and stay out of Sweden's affairs.

Personally, I think he's just pulling out that who all treats you nigga's better than me bull shit for the African American vote.

Anyway, Trump is a clown and A$AP Rocky really isn't that good, but I bet he's sold a lot of albums as a result of this farce.

What do you think?

Grammy right?
sings about gold, diamonds and bitches, no wonder Trump likes him.
Have you ever noticed the large crowds of black voters that attend trump rallies, cheering him on? me neither
Not surprisingly there’s a Blacks For Trump group. Who knows why each fool is in it but I strongly suspect outside establishment of this group and then $$$$ for the biggest name members. The rest? The same or self-loathing or embarrassment at being black and trying to make up for it. Who knows? I have actual black friends, including a former 30 year Marine top sergeant I’d follow into combat. Not a single one approves of the sonofabitch or of virtually any Republican. They’re not stupid. They’re not in love with the Democrats but like most reasonable hostages they feel they’re the lesser of two evils. Republicans accused Obama of playing to the black population. Man, I must be blind because I didn’t see him say or do anything exclusively or even catering to black Americans. But I don’t have television. Can’t receive it. So no Fox News to educate me on it.
He’ll have to cut open my dead body, pull out my large intestines and dig it out of my shit. His shity fingers will be my vote.