Trump nominates Brett Kavanaugh to replace Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court


Well-Known Member
BBC Article

Republicans don't need any Democrats to confirm Kavanaugh, but my guess is 4 Democrats will side with Republicans; Joe Manchin, Heidi Heidkamp, Joe Donnelly, and Claire McCaskill, all Democratic incumbents in states Trump won

On something so important as a Supreme Court nomination that will have resounding consequences for generations to come, will it really matter much having moderate, conservative Democrats holding those seats and siding with the other party to confirm a judge when they don't have to? The moderates on the board consistently tell me it will, but they have yet to show it. Personally, I don't want Democrats to be elected to congress if they side with Trump and the Republicans more than half the time. But I guess it's somehow better if the conservative congressman has a (D) next to his name.. The only safe name up for reelection in each of those states is Manchin, and Nelson is trailing Scott in Florida. Democrats could likely come out at a loss after 2018 in the Senate while likely taking the House, and if that happens, it's because Democratic voters don't want Republican light.

We'll see soon enough what happens
Watch the ballwashers squirm when it happens.
They'll say they had to, otherwise face losing to a Republican in 2018. I'd ask them "What's the difference?". If a Democrat can't win in a Red state without supporting Republican policies and appointees statistically more than half the time, what does it matter if the Republican wins?

What are the most consequential votes each of these Senators have voted against the Republican position?

Can any of you name any Republican congressmen or women who consistently vote against party lines and side with the Democrats? Why do we have whole caucuses in the federal government and in state legislatures across the country filled with Democrats who are dying to side with Republicans?
They'll say they had to, otherwise face losing to a Republican in 2018. I'd ask them "What's the difference?". If a Democrat can't win in a Red state without supporting Republican policies and appointees statistically more than half the time, what does it matter if the Republican wins?

What are the most consequential votes each of these Senators have voted against the Republican position?

Can any of you name any Republican congressmen or women who consistently vote against party lines and side with the Democrats? Why do we have whole caucuses in the federal government and in state legislatures across the country filled with Democrats who are dying to side with Republicans?
Can any of you name any Republican congressmen or women who consistently vote against party lines and side with the Democrats? Why do we have whole caucuses in the federal government and in state legislatures across the country filled with Democrats who are dying to side with Republicans?


Anyone who tries to justify any Democratic Senator confirming Kavanaugh should be politically shunned for life. If confirming a Justice to the Supreme Court won't change your mind about establishment Democrats, nothing will
I thought trump was the best thing to ever happen to the progressive movement in America though? When we were all concerned with supreme Court nominees, you were busy bashing hillary. Seriously, just stfu child.
Roe v wade wont simply be overturned, fetuses are gonna get 14th amendment rights

Good thing padaraper fought so hard against the lady with the public and private positions
[nazi chants grow louder in the streets]

Padaraper: but she got a debate question! Furthermore getting paid for public speeches is criminal
Miami Beach floods again as global warming causes seas to rise.

Pad-tty: Clinton's campaign bailed out a bankrupted DNC. We deserve Trump.
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I don't think pad can read this. Maybe we could find somebody who is good at teaching children using puppets to explain this to pad.
It wouldn't help. The instant one part of his brain realized it was contrary to what he wants to believe, the rest of his brain would swoop in and duct tape it down. It's about control.
I thought trump was the best thing to ever happen to the progressive movement in America though? When we were all concerned with supreme Court nominees, you were busy bashing hillary. Seriously, just stfu child.
Another intolerant liberal telling someone to his left to shut up.

You're a real peach, you know that? With people like you in the party, maybe it deserves to keep losing.

If no one can be any different than you or bring any differing perspective, then the party is effectively dead. We've been saying it for years now.
It wouldn't help. The instant one part of his brain realized it was contrary to what he wants to believe, the rest of his brain would swoop in and duct tape it down. It's about control.
Yet another nothing post from the guy who desperately wants approval from his clique.
This is nice but does nothing to track the relative importance of the legislation in question.

It's only meaningful if all legislation was of equal import and that's a clearly false assumption.

It's the kind of statistic that doesn't advance understanding.


What are you on about?

He asked, Can any of you name any Republican congressmen or women who consistently vote against party lines and side with the Democrats?

My answer, if you bothered to read the fucking chart I posted, was

The member of the House most willing to buck his party is Walter Jones (R-N.C.), who has voted against the Republican majority more than one-third of the time.
Susan Collins (R-Maine) voted against her party 27 percent of the time.

You can try and shit on my chart all you want. Neither of us was trying to track the importance of every piece of legislation that came before the 114th congress. How does one track the importance of legislation to 327 million different Americans? What you view as important, might not be worth a squirt of piss to me, and vice versa.

The above image looks at all votes,and factors the in majority position for each party (in cases where it was not unanimous) and compared every member of each body's vote against the party majority.

What are you on about?

He asked, Can any of you name any Republican congressmen or women who consistently vote against party lines and side with the Democrats?

My answer, if you bothered to read the fucking chart I posted, was

The member of the House most willing to buck his party is Walter Jones (R-N.C.), who has voted against the Republican majority more than one-third of the time.
Susan Collins (R-Maine) voted against her party 27 percent of the time.

You can try and shit on my chart all you want. Neither of us was trying to track the importance of every piece of legislation that came before the 114th congress. How does one track the importance of legislation to 327 million different Americans? What you view as important, might not be worth a squirt of piss to me, and vice versa.

The above image looks at all votes,and factors the in majority position for each party (in cases where it was not unanimous) and compared every member of each body's vote against the party majority.
Sam Clements said it best;

'There are lies, there are damned lies- and then, there are statistics'

He well knew the power of irrelevant numbers to obscure the truth.

You've been busted.