Trump is Self Soothing


Well-Known Member
i guess he can't suck his thumb anymore so he surrounds himself with he is last night after it came out there was NO wiretap by Obama:

In essence it's a form of double-down as he is in perpetual campaign mode..making promises he'll never keep because they're discriminatory in nature and the little matter of 2/3 of the country doesn't support him.
Then when he gets kicked out of his job, he can say he tried to get things done and that everyone was against him and he'll go back to conspiracy theory via Trump!, long never ending campaign rally.

He will become more popular than Rush and Jones..he just needs to learn how to cry on cue.

'Poor Mike Flynn..and what they did to him..horrible'. That is an actual quote from him..his brain is fried.

We're getting a new First Lady..Ivanka is taking up residence in the West Wing..too late for damage control..guess she'll babysit him for his remaining days in office. But what about the Sabbath? That's when the Tweets occur.
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1:40ish he starts talking about how he has a lot of contractors bidding on the proposed Mexico wall. Then he says "you know what that means? We will get it for the right price." I thought Mexico was paying for that...:roll:

He reminds me of the uncle you warn your girlfriend or boyfriend about on your way to the first family Thanksgiving that they attend.