Trump Destroys Planned Parenthood


Well-Known Member
A new Trump administration rule will cut off Planned Parenthood and other health providers that offer abortion services from hundreds of millions of dollars of federal funding.

Under a regulation issued on Friday, no health-care provider that offers abortion services will be eligible for the federal Title X program, which last year offered $286.5 million in grants that funded family-planning services.

Last year, about 4 million low income women used Planned Parenthood's services
The rule “prohibits the use of Title X funds to perform, promote, refer for, or support abortion as a method of family planning,” according to a fact sheet published by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Planned Parenthood has long been a target for anti-abortion lawmakers and politicians. The nonprofit offers a variety of preventive-health and family-planning services. The group has about 600 affiliated health-care centers used by more than 5 million people a year, according to its website.

The Planned Parenthood Action Fund, the group’s political advocacy arm, said a “gag rule” in the regulation would prevent Planned Parenthood from referring women to health-care providers that perform abortions.

“The administration has put health care providers in the Title X program in an impossible position: withhold information from its patients or get pushed out of the program,” the action fund said in a post on Twitter.

Well, this should work out well seeing as this action will undoubtedly cost the lives of thousands of the most vulnerable women in society (but who really gives a shit in Trump World?),
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every one of those clinics should just lie through their the administration going to stop funding to them all? the public outcry would be so loud it would finally drown out trumps lies for a few minutes.....waiting on the lawsuit in federal court that reverses this....come on legal eagles...
.is the administration going to stop funding to them all? the public outcry would be so loud it would finally drown out trumps lies for a few minutes.
In answer to your 1st question, yes, the Trump Administration has gleefully refused funding for PP to satisfy it's Christian followers. That is a done deal, signed into law.
And as far as the sheep in this country giving a shit about basic human rights, in this case the right of a woman to be in control of her own body, historically has proven the only one's that really care are the women themselves who are affected, which really don't count for much it seems, because so far all I hear are crickets.
In answer to your 1st question, yes, the Trump Administration has gleefully refused funding for PP to satisfy it's Christian followers. That is a done deal, signed into law.
And as far as the sheep in this country giving a shit about basic human rights, in this case the right of a woman to be in control of her own body, historically has proven the only one's that really care are the women themselves who are affected, which really don't count for much it seems, because so far all I hear are crickets.
that's too bad. i guess i keep expecting people to be aware of the world around them, to react to things that negatively impact not only our society, but the world in general. what really scares me is i know how oblivious i am...and the average person is 100 times more blissfully unaware...seemingly, on purpose
all authoritarians have one thing in common - they want to control women's bodies

just look at the circle of perverts donald runs with. he is friends with 5 notorious pedophiles.

alexander acosta gave an illegal sweetheart plea deal to convicted pedophile jeffrey epstein so that all of epstein's buddies could escape prosecution for their perverted pedophilia. so trump gave alex acosta a cabinet position where he would be in charge of human trafficking

robert kraft could have flown in the highest class escort in the world to service his old spongy dick, but instead he went to a bargain basement rub and tug known for sex trafficking women. it's because these old demented perverts get off on controlling women in the worst ways

italy had berlusconi doing the same sick shit as trump and seemingly nothing brought him down until the bunga bunga parties came out. jeffrey epstein, alex acosta, and the sick pedophilia they took part in will be donald's bunga bunga
In answer to your 1st question, yes, the Trump Administration has gleefully refused funding for PP to satisfy it's Christian followers. That is a done deal, signed into law.
And as far as the sheep in this country giving a shit about basic human rights, in this case the right of a woman to be in control of her own body, historically has proven the only one's that really care are the women themselves who are affected, which really don't count for much it seems, because so far all I hear are crickets.
It's a new rule, not a law. Only Congress writes laws. What is going on is both sides think something is coming down the pike about Roe V Wade, so Blue states are passing laws in their state houses to make sure it will still be legal in their states, and the red states are passing laws that wouldn't get past the SC in the past, but they hope it will pass in the future.

It was the new abortion laws in Va that got the GOP looking into the Governor's past that turned up the black face pictures. Him describing how a live born baby could be killed back fired on them. Most people support a woman's choice in the first 2 trimesters. Get into the 3rd, and the numbers go way down.

45 is playing to his base. he has to if he has any chance in 2020.
Should Vegans be forced to subsidize meat packing plants ?
yes, and if they bitch about it too much, they should get turned into soylent green...and be force fed to other vegans... seems like the point you're trying to make is that those who don't believe in a thing shouldn't be forced to participate in it...and i agree, for the most part, but the society we live in forces us all to follow the same rules. they do not have to actively participate, and if they can get a majority of people to feel the same way they do, they can force a change in the rules...but we all have to do the same thing or the whole system falls apart...and as i've explained before, most of us don't want it to fall apart, at least until there is something better to take it's place...which still seems a long fucking way off to me....
This conversation isn't about vegans or meat packing plants. It is about affordable health care services for poor women. Get in line, moron.

I hear you baaaing little lambkins, but the real conversation is about whether you or other people make your decisions for you.

Get out of line, sheep.

yes, and if they bitch about it too much, they should get turned into soylent green...and be force fed to other vegans... seems like the point you're trying to make is that those who don't believe in a thing shouldn't be forced to participate in it...and i agree, for the most part, but the society we live in forces us all to follow the same rules. they do not have to actively participate, and if they can get a majority of people to feel the same way they do, they can force a change in the rules...but we all have to do the same thing or the whole system falls apart...and as i've explained before, most of us don't want it to fall apart, at least until there is something better to take it's place...which still seems a long fucking way off to me....

You've conflated "society" with people who call themselves government. They aren't the same thing.

So until you get permission to disobey, you're going to keep obeying, but as soon as they give you permission not to obey, you're going to get all disobedient? You radical, you.
You've conflated "society" with people who call themselves government. They aren't the same thing.

So until you get permission to disobey, you're going to keep obeying, but as soon as they give you permission not to obey, you're going to get all disobedient? You radical, you.
no, i don't...i know the difference between government and society...government is one social construct, society is another...they're both tools used to keep things from flying apart...what do you offer as an alternative? nothing, as far as i can see, you want to remove all constraints and all controls, and just let things go on their own....that is called chaos...and is generally not a desired living condition...
and do i really seem that complacent to you Rob? do i really seem that unaware of the world around me? i would like things to change, but i'm not willing to be the figurehead or the martyr of the kick it off, and then i'll take over once you get it going.....whether you want me to or not...because your "vision" of the future is fatally flawed, and cannot ever be allowed. you do NOT understand human nature, and apparently never will. so you cannot be allowed to make decisions that impact anyone but yourself....