Trump being sued for violating Constitution

the new king is bringing this all on himself.

his greed over a few bucks will prevent him from being able to actually do any good for the people that trusted him with their votes.

he could have simply divested and gone to work for his constituents instead, but he chose not to do that.

he does not respect his voters enough to walk away from even a single dollar.
“No one would have thought when the Constitution was written that paying your hotel bill was an emolument,” Sheri A. Dillon, a partner at Morgan Lewis, said at a news conference this month.
you're too fucking stupid to even attribute a quote correctly.

trum brought this all on himself. he'd rather fight in twitter and violate the constitution than go to work for you, because he does not respect you.

Not reading links still I see. Even your own! Hahahaha.
What's you're favorite flavor window?
why do people cry so much about it, its done, its dusted, get over it. Lets see what he does, and if hes shit at the end of term then so be it.