Trouties Critical Jack Journal


Well-Known Member
Welcome ... this is where i will cover my Critical Jack auto (dinafem) ... here's the Blurb

Genetics:Critical x Jack Herer

Variety:Indica / Sativa

THC Content:21.00%

Flowering Time: 55 - 65 days

my set up is as follows.....

small wardrobe, insulated and reflective lined
1 x Home made reflector (reused hps reflector)
3 x 125W CFL's
4 x PC fan exhausts
1 x PC fan intake
1 x 150w Vivarium heater with thermostat

there is the basic outlines of equipment ..... Cabinet running temps are (on avarage) 75f day - 65 night

so i germed the seed in wet kitchen paper, in a small tupperware and placed it on the Cable reciever... 24 hours had half inch tap root so i potted it into a small 3" pot with light seeding soil and screwed it to my cabinet wall

after it had grown on a couple of days i moved it (extremly f**king carefully) into a 2 gal pot containing a mix of lightly ferted Hydro shop soil with loads of perlite and a handfull of the seeding soil ... i intend to move it into a further 5 gal container soon, however i have no space at the moment so it will wait a couple of weeks..... i will add a few extras to my soil mix before i move it again

i know its recomended not to move autoflowering plants.. and they should be potted into there final large pots... its not an ideal world so i'll have to do the best i can

heres a couple of pics .........

Critical Jack in the center ..... germed 11 dec 2011

the contents of my cabinet .... Critical Jack is now front left

here she is ... day 10 .... lot slower out of the traps then what i'm used to .. but hoping its going to be a nice plant and an even better smoke when its done.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
like totally bitchin grow dude. looks like you got some primo bud here. going to some wicked smoke for you man. i bet it smells great. lmao.. im totally serious.
this is a tease of a photo. can i please request some more shots of that monster bud behind the
merrry chrimbo .


Well-Known Member
stoked to have you drop by Dr Amber trichome :-P

aghhhh the two ugly sisters .... well there was three but one is drying out :weed: .... the amber is just arriving in those two in the back and they only have days left..... then i intend to get them nakky and cut their throats :twisted:

thanks for the nice comments :-)

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
stoked to be here troutie.
why you so hard on your girls ?. why call them ugly? I would love to see them. you should be proud of them. look how big they grew for you.
so you will kill them on christmas day. that is a nice present to yourself. congratuations on your harvest.


Well-Known Member
stoked to be here troutie.
why you so hard on your girls ?. why call them ugly? I would love to see them. you should be proud of them. look how big they grew for you.
so you will kill them on christmas day. that is a nice present to yourself. congratuations on your harvest.
well its going to be chop day soon .... but i have some christmas smoke (thanks to an earlier cull) so i'm not in any rush.... they are my Green o'matics and are the result of my first indoor grow... not the most white knuckle strain out there, however they have been a really nice grow and will produce enough to keep me happy for a while. the fact they got scabby is my fault little bit of newb nutage ..... but i'm pleased with them on the whole and i now know what i've got to do to improve this grow (famous last words!! haha)

i'll post a few pictures on harvest day


Well-Known Member
Well, finally got here LoL Are my front row seat tickets still valid?

Looking excellent already bro ;)

yeah mate i reserved you a table by the bogs!!! lol good to have ya cumbers mate

Critical jack is doing ok ... i'll upload a couple of pics in the next few days ..... as i gotta dash around like a headless chicken seeing all the folks :-) ... but shes getting bigger and looking nice.

new little viv heater is spot on .... really pleased with that upgrade (23/25c day .... 19c night)


Well-Known Member
little update.....

watered the CJ this morning.... didn't notice any splashing, but checked on everything this afternoon and seem to have a couple of burn marks?? could be splash burns or could be soil burn (but i doubt it its fairly light soil that never burnt my other autos). but on the whole the critical jack is doing great .... got plenty of leaves now and is getting bigger

i will post pictures tomorrow and would love feedback regarding pos causes of the burn marks, i really hope its nothing to worry about

oh and i think the two mature Green O'matics will be harvested tomorrow... they look great and i'm getting cramped for space now. so their time has finally come :-) . i will post loads of pics in my other thread


Well-Known Member

critical jack... you can just about see some rusty looking burns around the lower leaves :-(

here she is with her friends (critical jack center)