Trouble calculating ppm for General Hydroponics


Active Member
I'm so frustrated with this that I've strained my mind. I want to calculate the final ppm concentration of nitrogen of my nutrient solution. Can someone please give me the equations for calculating the ppm? Micro is 5% nitrogen (5-0-1). That means if I take 1 ml of micro, I have 5% of a ml of N, or .05 X 1 = .05 ml N. If I take that .05 ml of N and dilute it with 3785 ml of water, I get .05 ml N in 3786 ml of water which is .0000132 or 13.2 ppm . But that's not right! When I usethe same math for all 3 solutions and compare my results to the ppm in the grow charts, I'm way off. My purpose for this is to have a spreadsheet that calculates the final N in ppm for my mixed nutrient solution with all 3 parts and the additives such as liquid seaweed, cal mag, etc. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!