Tropical Himidity differs from mediterranean humidity


Its a fact to pay attention to, since mold formation is one of the major problems of growers...
My growroom has a constant humidity of 75 - 80 %, normally i would be very concerned about that...if i was in a tropical climate. Why? you ask....
The nature of humidity changes across the world, for example, in Finland humidity is "dry" thus you may have 70 % of humidity on the atmosphere, but your bones wont suffer much, and there wont be much bugs/pests/fungi because of it´s dry nature and low temperatures....
If you go for the Caribbean area, you´ll have a "wet" humidity (forgive the redundance), and high temperatures, witch will promote the development of microbiological life, and accelerate biological fungi processes, including mold (wich is a fungi)....

Let´s now consider mediterranean countries....
Here is were the cenario changes....
Right now you have growers with growrooms like mine that have 70 -80 % of humidity.....and all they need to avoid mold problems is...a blowerfan.
The trick is keeping the air moving, and you will find your way through Mold Mites and spidermites, and mold wont accumulate, because mold doesn´t like fresh air and wind, Mold loves "sitting" humidity with a taste of heat...well, if you circulate the air, and keep temperature inbetween 20-21 Celsius, you should be fine!!!!
I´m putting this to discussion (anyone please give personal examples that confirm or deny my theory).




Well-Known Member
iam sorry, but i dont understand. 'dry' humidity? Relative humidity is defined as the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor in a parcel of air to the saturated vapor pressure of water vapor at a prescribed temperature.

i do not know where you are getting your facts, but as far as i can tell, humidity is humidity is humidity. the only reason i could think of all of those areas having differing humidity effects would be due to elevation (thinner air?), though i dont know. 70% humidity is 70% humidity, no matter wherever you are. moving your air around will indeed lower your chances of mold due to not sitting anymore, but if its a big enough room, with a warm enough light, this will actually decrease your humidity (unless your grow room is airtight, or of course unelss your using a humidifier).

maybe iam missing something your saying....

