

Well-Known Member
Alright... so the bottom branches on my plant are kinda what looks like wilting. All the small fan leaves on the branches are droopy and folded down, so i thought it might be because they arent getting enough light... so i tied them all down but they havent gotten any better. Should I trim some of the bottom main fan leaves so they get more light? ive heard mixed opinions on the subject....OR could it be something else besides not enough light?

p.s - sorry about not having any pics.. i lost my camera hopefully i find it soon


Well-Known Member
anyone else? i know its hard to tell without the pics (ill try and find my camera) but what are some common things that could cause this?


Well-Known Member
man i hate to be harsh, but you can describe something all day, and there be limitless possibilities... think of it like this, ok i know this guy, he's got a mustache, blue eyes, medium length hair, a freckle, about 5'7, about 180 lbs... so forth and so on. THAT SHIT IS DETAILED, but no one will be able to tell you who he is.


Active Member
i got a question about trimming. I am about to drop my plants to 12/12, they are about a foot tall and they have HUGE fan leaves everywhere blocking about every bit of light to all the branches! I have read that if you cut the fan leaves it will slow down dramatically. I want to find the females and keep at least one maybe two to clone from, should i leave those leaves or cut them? does it matter if i trim the leaves off the ones i want to let bud or the ones i want to put back to veg and clone from? the branches have quite a bit of green too so would it hurt?


Well-Known Member
i got a question about trimming. I am about to drop my plants to 12/12, they are about a foot tall and they have HUGE fan leaves everywhere blocking about every bit of light to all the branches! I have read that if you cut the fan leaves it will slow down dramatically. I want to find the females and keep at least one maybe two to clone from, should i leave those leaves or cut them? does it matter if i trim the leaves off the ones i want to let bud or the ones i want to put back to veg and clone from? the branches have quite a bit of green too so would it hurt?
Finding the females and then putting them back into vegging is more difficult then taking clones from the originals just as your are ready to put them in flowering. Mark which plants the clones came from, taking at least two clones from each one. Two weeks after putting them in flowering do it again, trim them 1/3 up from the bottom. This aids air circulation and the light won't get there any way. Within two weeks you will know which ones are female and will have gotten rid of ALL the males. Start with twelve, meet the law of averages 6 original and 24 female clones, four weeks after you sart flowering. Now pick a mother or two if you want too. VV:mrgreen: