

Active Member
ok so im three weeks into really high yesterday and was convinced by a guy that told me he grew a ton of shit that i needed to trim the fan leaves off plant because they weren't needed for flowering...

so i trimmed most of the big fan leaves off now i have a plant that looks pretty bare but still has all 19 i a fucking retard or does this actually make sense?


Well-Known Member
bad advice should have consulted on here first,
there is no point to trim leaves unless they are more than 50% yellow, or the plant is so bushy the light cant penetrate deep enough through the vegitation


Well-Known Member
Ooo that sucks man, call your "friend" and tell him he owes you weed now for some yield you have probably just lost.


Well-Known Member
fan leaves are the plants solar panels.
when a plant is into flowering the fan leaves start to go yellow.
the plant needs the leaves and the plant takes what it needs from them in flowering.

but natmoon grows some very good plants
and he trimms fan leaves off every day of flowering from 3 weeks till he has none left only buds.

what i think the man was telling you is that when the plants are ready,fully flowered/finished.
then you can carry on flowering for a few days week with no fan leaves when the buds are ripe.

but as for your plants, cutting the fan leaves soo early doesnt sound too good.
any pics?