Trimming fan leaves in flowering


Hi i got a critical mass and a swiss cheese both 4 weeks into flowering bout 6 ft tall now was just wondering if i should clip fan leaves off? some parts dont get much light its a 400w hps. if i need to how can i?


Well-Known Member
Yeah start with the lower ones, clip a few each day until you reach your goal. Going slow will create less stress for Mary.


Active Member
400 watts are good for 3ft. You need another 400 to add into the mix. Grow smaller plants anyway. Try tucking leaves under branches or supercrop the petioles so they're out of the way. Cut them off if they block colas.


Well-Known Member
Trim the lower 1 to 2 feet all at once and do it now. As ^^^^^^^^ your light runs out of steam at about 3 feet so anything below that is popcorn or worse. So if 6 feet tall have at her. I rape my plants 2x one in veg and 1 in flower at about 2 weeks. This lets the plant send more food to the top and you get bigger buds and not a bunch or little stuff.


Well-Known Member
I don't agree with clipping fan leaves ever. They have to be dead, If the aren't they are valuable food to the plant.


Well-Known Member
When a plant gets deficient , where does it pull from the bottom of the plant. Let them do their job , even if they die in the process.
Even if the 400 watt light penetrate down to them they are still a survival food.


Well-Known Member
400 watts are good for 3ft. You need another 400 to add into the mix. Grow smaller plants anyway. Try tucking leaves under branches or supercrop the petioles so they're out of the way. Cut them off if they block colas.
A 400 will penetrate 24 inches. Not 3 ft, If you need 3 ft you need a 600.


Well-Known Member
Look at the leaves real closely. Are they in the way of anything? Do they look dead or unhealthy? I'm with Muffy and Wiseguy on this. Don't cut unless there is an obvious need for it. If you do need to cut them, use sharp scissors that have been sterilized.

Best of luck buddy,

- Vin


Well-Known Member
Look at the leaves real closely. Are they in the way of anything? Do they look dead or unhealthy? I'm with Muffy and Wiseguy on this. Don't cut unless there is an obvious need for it. If you do need to cut them, use sharp scissors that have been sterilized.

Best of luck buddy,

- Vin
I don't care if they are unhealthy, leave them be until they are ready to fall off on there own with a gentle tug.


Well-Known Member
Tuck before pluck. Even if you have to roll the leaf up and stuff it up under something. Try to leave (no pun intented) them attached to the plant. I've found that if the tuck job if especially gnarly, the leaf will yellow and drop pretty fast (within a few days), but at least the plant decided to get rid of it and not me. Don't get me wrong though, I won't hesitate to defoliate (hey that rhymes too), but again, tuck before pluck.


Well-Known Member
When a plant gets deficient , where does it pull from the bottom of the plant. Let them do their job , even if they die in the process.
Even if the 400 watt light penetrate down to them they are still a survival food.
If you feed your plant it wont need to eat its leaves