Triming from lower levels to try and induce better growth on top!


Active Member
Hi all i was wondering if someone could help me with a question... i trimmed a few of the low fan leaves from the bottom of my plants which i am told will allow for more focus to go to the growth of the top of the plant.

if you look at the picture you will see that the fan leaf branch sits right under the bud creating branch does anyone know if they are connected so if i cut a fan leaf away will the bud branch thats sits just above it now get less of a chance to survive or grow big?

I hope i am making sense :-D let me know if i am not and ill try to explain again



Active Member
dont cut any leaves off, they are the plants energy makers and storers,less energy less bud, DONT CUT THEM OFF
read (riddleme) journals

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
I agree with Ole Miss, about the energy storage but it also depends on how big your plant is. I got most of my techniques from my uncle who grows the best buds on earth. hes 65 and still growing. and he swears by keeping the bottom 1/3 of the plant clear and free of all growth. and he gets massive yealds. i do the same and use my lower branches for clones so i get the best of both worlds. it's really up to you. We gro out doors tho so i would think with indoors you want to keep all the leaves you can, to store energy because there is no light on the planet that can give you what the sun does. good luck and stay green


Active Member
dont cut any leaves off, they are the plants energy makers and storers,less energy less bud, DONT CUT THEM OFF
read (riddleme) journals

Thanks for offering advise... as you see from the next comment on this subjects its hit and miss i already cut a few last night but i think i will hold fire till i understand more about what i am doing ;-)

thanks again for stopping on the thread to help out!


Active Member
I agree with Ole Miss, about the energy storage but it also depends on how big your plant is. I got most of my techniques from my uncle who grows the best buds on earth. hes 65 and still growing. and he swears by keeping the bottom 1/3 of the plant clear and free of all growth. and he gets massive yealds. i do the same and use my lower branches for clones so i get the best of both worlds. it's really up to you. We gro out doors tho so i would think with indoors you want to keep all the leaves you can, to store energy because there is no light on the planet that can give you what the sun does. good luck and stay green

As i have been doing 12/12 from seed to harvest my plants are only just over 12inches, i trimmed the bottom layer last night and ill be keeping a close eye on what happens. Is very cool that your uncle is 65 and still growing strong ;-) i see the logic that if you take unwanted energy drains away more energy will go to what is left but from reading a few comments/threads it seems that most people are 50/50 on this.

thanks for stopping by and trying to help a lost newb :-D really cool thanks
what you are talking about is called "lollipopping" i havent done it yet but ima lollipop half of my table. i use 2 600 watts hps lights on a 3 x 8 flood table. the lollipop hopefully will eliminate all of the weak growth at the bottom of the plant.(i call those weak buds "LARF") i can see this working as the 600 watt lights dont penetrate all the way down. some swear by this technique. but like everything else in growing its 50/50. the plant is always reaching for more light. and reaching and fighting for light takes energy. it makes sense we'll see... if everything that struggles is gone than the bud in the light will flourish!!


Active Member
what you are talking about is called "lollipopping" i havent done it yet but ima lollipop half of my table. i use 2 600 watts hps lights on a 3 x 8 flood table. the lollipop hopefully will eliminate all of the weak growth at the bottom of the plant.(i call those weak buds "LARF") i can see this working as the 600 watt lights dont penetrate all the way down. some swear by this technique. but like everything else in growing its 50/50. the plant is always reaching for more light. and reaching and fighting for light takes energy. it makes sense we'll see... if everything that struggles is gone than the bud in the light will flourish!!

thanks for the useful comment and the assistance with the terminology ;-) 2 600 HPS's is very cool :mrgreen: and i really see your point (50/50) as what works for some is certain conditions will not work for others in their conditions! thanks for the help the jurys still out so i wont rush into anything a go cutting crazy but ill keep you all posted with what happens after the chop yesterday of the lowest fan leaves to see if it takes effect. If you wanted a bit more detail on my grow check out my signature would be cool to have more people following it ;-)

thanks again for you time and assistance.


Active Member
I always trim off the bottom 2 nodes up after week 3 and stretch is over. If you do it before then it will promote Vertical Growth. From my experience without LST or some kind of help those bottom branches never amount to much and take up space.


Active Member
I always trim off the bottom 2 nodes up after week 3 and stretch is over. If you do it before then it will promote Vertical Growth. From my experience without LST or some kind of help those bottom branches never amount to much and take up space.

Thanks for the comment and the more specific info (3 weeks bottom 2 nodes) after looking at the 2 3 plants i have on the go (1 i bent over + 1 i Topped + 1 Going straight up) the one that is bent over has great growth lower down so it will be interesting to see if all the extra effort the plant uses to make the lower down bugs swell will be lost on teh main cola!

The only hard part now is that the one i bent over looks so much better i.e. crystals on the leaves and some cool bud forming from top to bottom its hard to resist doing it to the other ones but i think the test to see how each method works is worth continuing with as i will really see waht works best for amounts and of course the potency of the weed as well :-)

if you wanted to see a little more on what i am rattling on about check out my journal in my signature. thanks for stopping by this thread and for taking the time to give sound advice :-)


Active Member

Thanks for the comment and the more specific info (3 weeks bottom 2 nodes) after looking at the 2 3 plants i have on the go (1 i bent over + 1 i Topped + 1 Going straight up) the one that is bent over has great growth lower down so it will be interesting to see if all the extra effort the plant uses to make the lower down bugs swell will be lost on teh main cola!

The only hard part now is that the one i bent over looks so much better i.e. crystals on the leaves and some cool bud forming from top to bottom its hard to resist doing it to the other ones but i think the test to see how each method works is worth continuing with as i will really see waht works best for amounts and of course the potency of the weed as well :-)

if you wanted to see a little more on what i am rattling on about check out my journal in my signature. thanks for stopping by this thread and for taking the time to give sound advice :-)

Ok, LST and Topping changes things about what to trim! I would only trim the one growing strait up. The other 2, Do Not Cut anything on those... Let them go and btw they look awesome! All 3 are 100% healthy and beautiful. It is very obvious they are in good hands! The point of the LST and the topping is to maximize those bottom branches.



Active Member

Thanks for the positive comments positive feedback is always good :-) i dont want to ruin the experiment by cutting any further branches so i will stay where i am. Thanks for the continued support!

+rep fella