trim to hash ratio?


Active Member
About how much trim do you need to make a gram of average quality hash? I have never tried doing bubble/ice hash and I would like to. I just want to make sure it's worth my while because I don't harvest huge amounts. Also, are regular leaves a no-no? Trim only?
If you are extracting bubble hash then you ONLY use tricome covered leaves. No fan leaves unless they have tricomes too!
And to get a gram of bubble depends on how many micron bags you have. If you have an 8 bag set then you can extract 1+ gram of varied qualities of hash from an ounce of DRIED trim. Color determines quality
*some strains dont make good bubble hash while others like OG make great bubble. (ALL OG STRAINS MAKE GOOD HASH) :]]]
If you have a 5 bag set then you can get a gram but it will only be 3 grades. Which only one IMO is worth smoking, the rest i use for edibles.

I only bubble hash the strains i know make good bubble, try it out and if you don't get much then you know to use a different extraction technique. Or your bubble making skills need work

Good luck!