Tricks I have not heard of before and can't find reference.


Ok, so I met someone who can grow like no ones business. (The best I have seen, beating any magazine shot of stuff.) But the tips he gave me where weird and I never heard of them.

First was 2 step lighting. He said that he was using two kinds of lights. That only for the final hour of their cycle does half the lights turn off and a seperate light system kick in with a blue hue to them. He gave me exact terms but I can't remember what they where (I had sampled some of the product..) He mentioned that the plants need a different spectrum of light to start 'putting them to sleep' before lights out. Never heard of this before.

Base / Vibrations / Music - At first I thought he just kept his music on for himself, but when I asked why so many sub woofers and why it was so loud he told me that the vibrations that are normal in nature help loosen chemicals in the leaves and un-patterned sound with lots of base works best. Sounded like hippy voodoo to me but his results where hard to argue with.

He keeps wierd fish and uses their poop.. It was hard to hear, it was closer to the speakers.. But these colored catfish looking things where in a huge tank and he mentioned they where from asia and something about rice fields.

If anyone heard of any of this before, or could sight some info, would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
The suns kelvin varies throughout the day. What he's doing is emulating that. He could use a CMH instead of flipping between two lights daily. I've never heard of vibrations affecting plants before. I wouldn't say it is untrue as we are all affected by vibrations in some way. Happy music makes us feel happy sad music makes us sad, ect ect..


Well-Known Member
Lights.. He may be trying to mimic the sun as it goes dwn? Its proven plants respond to music fish poop is good fert


Active Member
His 5-7k light spectrum mimics sundown

2-3k light spectrum mimics sun up. the plant absorbs both light spectrums which gives its the best bonus when two spectrums are mixed.


Well-Known Member
Google guppy-ponics. Fish poo is good for plants. Visit the organics section and they will educate you on this subject in detail.


New Member
No color on fish...go over him one more time then highlight each scale...covering up a cross which was dark to begin w....have color in the leaves blowing around other side of arm....fall colors kinda....koi water fall color Japanese maple leaves is the sleeve..... along w this...20130222_165200.jpgmatching "loyalty" w my wife


Well-Known Member
Nice tats. Mine however, will remain in the tank.

I will be using the water from my fish tank in my next grow. Guppy-ponics
