

Well-Known Member
It was a warm humid day in East Qing-tang 30 million years ago, only just thrust kilometres into the sky after a fusion of thousands of species. Largely cut of and highly evolved the first cannabis plant got spat out of a mix of others mainly trees and herbs.

It wasn't the only one, this was the boiling pot for many species we know today and the scorch trials for another twenty million years of evolution. Previous to this most had endured too many different climates and stress but the living was good and generally warm you just needed to adapt.

From here the records get thin, we find it's birth place, genetic lines leading to other species but no middle men or direct ancestors. This happened a lot in Qing-Tang, plants rise up mountain in warm periods and come back in cold only to find their relatives long dead and their species isolated.

Lots of other common things were happening too like trichomes. In a study of other species from Quing-tang there became a few reasons for their evolution but some stick out and others don't. One was the rise up and down mountains, at the top you either get high UV or high ozone levels. Certain events, fluctuating weather systems and temperature allowing you to get up a mountain contribute. Most glandular trichomes from this area have ozone absorbance or blocking and UV properties.

Another important reason was to protect young organs from early season drought, wind and other stresses. Trichomes can reduce the demand over these areas allowing leaves to remain more water supplied and even out the difference. Some species witnessed early drought and initiated trichome production at early flower caring less at the later stages of flower and ceasing to maintain them. A general trend to big bracts and hanging down flowers, some species used trichs to stay more erect than others who like to dangle more.

The metabolites and stuff in these trichomes, although not understood, is seen to help reduce stress and interact with other chemicals like ABA. They also can reportion other unwanted items formed by problems back into them or other things less dangerous.

Modern day China has studied this big time, in most species they don't find any one thing that sparks growth or their composition. Some change but they are not working wonders yet, sums our species up, small changes but no fat payout, suggests a lot of stresses brought them forward and not one so they have become less responsive to stress but function well as a unit to all the above stress. UV might work a little it doesn't impress me like the Chinese scientists and my last UV crop would have liked.

That's enough about trichs, Qing-tang is still going today, after they finish defoliating the Amazon it could be the next best place to find hybrid species. The rest of cannabis and Quing history involves floods, monsoons and lots more climate change but Qing-tang generally stayed warm or in parts so the living was good you just have to adapt.

Ours did, it's one of the fastest growing in the world, it roots are highly evolved for life in changing floods and monsoons, hot dry and warm humid almost everything but cold. In good years bordering forests high on mountains, hard to colonize slopes, along streams, round lakes and in the bad retreating to warm humid valleys.

At first no Thc was produced, a more recent mutation started that. This adaption did not help early cannabis, we have to forget it might have used this to any effect. It is part of the reason we domesticated it but back in Quing cannabis was no fun to smoke, might have made a good trade on CBD, cured some primate of cancer but not stop deer eating dried buds full of seed.

A lot of change has made a species that responds quickly to stress and environment, put a sativa where an indica grows and in not too many generations it will turn more indica. Put it in a ditch in a shitty east European country and you get auto in the future, piss it off and it turns from bladed leaf to smooth, cupped, tacoed or deficient very quick, born to be wild.

Not much else changed, early plants resembled modern hemp somewhat, leaves were always bladed serrated, one ancestor Dorofeevia or Humularian was found in fossils. Fossils are confusing in thousands of species that many look similar or or the same family from a distant point. Recent pollen studies are where some of this is from, the rest lots of studies of the area of Qing and it's plants online. I don't think we know much, it's interesting to see stuff coming out or the birthplace of a species and even more interesting our and our ancestors are getting more studied.

We are also at the end of cannabis evolution, bio engineering, genetic altering, synthetic alternatives, modification. Plants have run out of time to evolve, the timeframes needed do not permit much else before we backwards engineer plants or the loose the need to use cannabis to grow all the cannabinoids and terps we want because now some mushroom or yeast can do the job if we splice in some DNA here and here. For them it's a horror film with the aliens they peacefully coexisted with hell bent of wiping them out along with most other species, John Cannavoltra must end all humankind before it's too late but can he evolve arms and legs to come and kick our ass before we eradicate him with science and wastefull climate destruction.

From Quing to Cannavoltra in 30 million years or less, legal till the 1900's, relegalized in the 2000s last seen in the wild 2063 the whereabouts of Cannavoltra unknown.
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It was a warm humid day in East Qing-tang 30 million years ago, only just thrust kilometres into the sky after a fusion of thousands of species. Largely cut of and highly evolved the first cannabis plant got spat out of a mix of others mainly trees and herbs.

It wasn't the only one, this was the boiling pot for many species we know today and the scorch trials for another twenty million years of evolution. Previous to this most had endured too many different climates and stress but the living was good and generally warm you just needed to adapt.

From here the records get thin, we find it's birth place, genetic lines leading to other species but no middle men or direct ancestors. This happened a lot in Qing-Tang, plants rise up mountain in warm periods and come back in cold only to find their relatives long dead and their species isolated.

Lots of other common things were happening too like trichomes. In a study of other species from Quing-tang there became a few reasons for their evolution but some stick out and others don't. One was the rise up and down mountains, at the top you either get high UV or high ozone levels. Certain events, fluctuating weather systems and temperature allowing you to get up a mountain contribute. Most glandular trichomes from this area have ozone absorbance or blocking and UV properties.

Another important reason was to protect young organs from early season drought, wind and other stresses. Trichomes can reduce the demand over these areas allowing leaves to remain more water supplied and even out the difference. Some species witnessed early drought and initiated trichome production at early flower caring less at the later stages of flower and ceasing to maintain them. A general trend to big bracts and hanging down flowers, some species used trichs to stay more erect than others who like to dangle more.

The metabolites and stuff in these trichomes, although not understood, is seen to help reduce stress and interact with other chemicals like ABA. They also can reportion other unwanted items formed by problems back into them or other things less dangerous.

Modern day China has studied this big time, in most species they don't find any one thing that sparks growth or their composition. Some change but they are not working wonders yet, sums our species up, small changes but no fat payout, suggests a lot of stresses brought them forward and not one so they have become less responsive to stress but function well as a unit to all the above stress. UV might work a little it doesn't impress me like the Chinese scientists and my last UV crop would have liked.

That's enough about trichs, Qing-tang is still going today, after they finish defoliating the Amazon it could be the next best place to find hybrid species. The rest of cannabis and Quing history involves floods, monsoons and lots more climate change but Qing-tang generally stayed warm or in parts so the living was good you just have to adapt.

Ours did, it's one of the fastest growing in the world, it roots are highly evolved for life in changing floods and monsoons, hot dry and warm humid almost everything but cold. In good years bordering forests high on mountains, hard to colonize slopes, along streams, round lakes and in the bad retreating to warm humid valleys.

At first no Thc was produced, a more recent mutation started that. This adaption did not help early cannabis, we have to forget it might have used this to any effect. It is part of the reason we domesticated it but back in Quing cannabis was no fun to smoke, might have made a good trade on CBD, cured some primate of cancer but not stop deer eating dried buds full of seed.

A lot of change has made a species that responds quickly to stress and environment, put a sativa where an indica grows and in not too many generations it will turn more indica. Put it in a ditch in a shitty east European country and you get auto in the future, piss it off and it turns from bladed leaf to smooth, cupped, tacoed or deficient very quick, born to be wild.

Not much else changed, early plants resembled modern hemp somewhat, leaves were always bladed serrated, one ancestor Dorofeevia or Humularian was found in fossils. Fossils are confusing in thousands of species that many look similar or or the same family from a distant point. Recent pollen studies are where some of this is from, the rest lots of studies of the area of Qing and it's plants online. I don't think we know much, it's interesting to see stuff coming out or the birthplace of a species and even more interesting our and our ancestors are getting more studied.

We are also at the end of cannabis evolution, bio engineering, genetic altering, synthetic alternatives, modification. Plants have run out of time to evolve, the timeframes needed do not permit much else before we backwards engineer plants or the loose the need to use cannabis to grow all the cannabinoids and terps we want because now some mushroom or yeast can do the job if we splice in some DNA here and here. For them it's a horror film with the aliens they peacefully coexisted with hell bent of wiping them out along with most other species, John Cannavoltra must end all humankind before it's too late but can he evolve arms and legs to come and kick our ass before we eradicate him with science and wastefull climate destruction.

From Quing to Cannavoltra in 30 million years or less, legal till the 1900's, relegalized in the 2000s last seen in the wild 2063 the whereabouts of Cannavoltra unknown.
Pretty sure women come from venus, men from Mars and weed comes from Pluto. They demoted it as part of the war on drugs.
There is a lot of evidence to suggest the original species did not develop or really acclimatize to UV or high elevation. Other factors like it's very high water use and needs keep it round lakes and rivers and it's original area did not see any major uplift until after it had evolved. Even more the area next to this was low fertile and wet, it's migration up across the Tethys sea closure was also this way and not through high mountains which saw it not cross into India.

I felt it wouldn't manage the journey to kush and had to go Futher up, these east west corridors had stopped other species which moved either up or down to a sub tropical lowland where they seemed pinned in by mountains to India and Afghanistan. The species that make it over mountains are very different to cannabis, it had to go up, the passes to Afghanistan are hard to pass.

What I was looking for was reason to leave it's home, uplift, the plateau turning dry, recieving less rain, turning barren. Uplift killed a lot of species like cannabis. It's first small uplifts caused diversified species and hybrids, it's next left a lot in lowland to live on the rest Futher up died off. Always we see altitude or mountains as features that stop species leaving into other continents. Asia was bordered by a sea to Europe which didn't close till 30 million years ago.

Cannabis came from species and herbs with trichomes, it got a lot, it used them well because it had them. Not only do they serve as a UV screen they reflect back visible and a lot of red light and Futher up. A joint effect of the surface layers and cannabinoids beneath. This is great if your stuck out on your own in a sunny hot place. The sort of theory the plant wants to avoid UV or comes from high places isn't as strong looking at other facts.

A recent conversation with many seemed to go like this

'Does UV raise my thc from 29 to 37?'

"No but it might raise it to 30".

UV doesn't do a lot, it does do stuff but small compared to what a plant that evolved in higher UV would do.

Still I don't know how it got into Afghanistan, every pass seemed in passable to these species, was it lower in the past, the uplift seems to time in with the Afghan mountains and mountains of the country next. Just above is the other route which is now a Chinese desert but back millions of years ago warm wet and all the way from quinhai to the Afghan mountains and up were low warm and wet. I think that was the migratory route out of China, Futher up the mountains disappear, it's a little colder but somewhere it must have passed.

I don't know how many millions of years that took, did the original Afghan Neanderthals find cannabis on low land and take it to the higher hills or did they find it up in passes. There weren't any YouTube videos of cannabis along the high mountain passes, most things struggle or its barren grass. A date would be better for climates and geology but that's about as far as I got.

People say Afghani is next from the first species, I haven't looked why it didn't go to Thailand and those areas before Europe, if Afghani was first the route to other places much harder or longer. India was a very recent species, thought that would be older, maybe crossing the Himalayas was too hard and it took the long way.

Most alpine plants were much more cold tolerants, they could spread to America easier and earlier, there seems a border to cannabis here, pine trees and stuff not so much. In backwards, species were coming into these areas of China, one plant species from China went to the Mediterranean and then back to China crossing high mountains both times.

Another thing that doesn't tie in, Qinghai actually wasn't that high 27/8 million years ago when the pollen was found so they could date it and the area as it's birthplace, cannabis didn't come from a high or high UV place, a lower one if you tie in geological uplift to the fossil.

I need to add a link to follow here

Another Futher migration, they say south Russia, what up through Iran or down from Kazakhstan?, both are either side of Afghanistan. The higher Kazakhstan might suggest cannabis took the higher route up past the kush valley into Kazakhstan then down to Afghanistan and then up to kush valleys.

It's origins and migration could as much suggest it's a low land plant, it's fast growth and Herby nature need a lot of water. I even thought there would be a major river running from China to kush but no they run down either side not over. Glaciation has made streams and rivers in the past but this would be glaciers higher up running down not from China to Afghanistan.

Glaciation higher up and through colder climates was avoided for lowland Tibet areas, these remained warm pockets, to survive long term lowlands were your friend. These days the lowland above the plateau is desert, a more recent event.

I'm not sure if anyone has presented this alternate theory, I read similar but not one that went as far. There's a lot of reading geology time periods migrations species and what we know about growing to put together just to know the original concepts.

Next, dates of the pollen fossils in South Russia if there are any, that will narrow the gap to when it crossed from Tibet to Kazakhstan or Afghanistan. Want to rule out or in the kush mountain populations as either very old or much younger and if it used the Kush 0passes or had to go higher up.

Briefly on the large bird migrations and mammals of the area, I didn't think these were taking cannabis over to Afghanistan but it describes the environment as there were lots.

Long badly written subject with no support but theoretically it is sound.
