Trichs in veg? picture

So I have 2 plants (Bruce Banner and Lemon Skunk) that are in veg right now and they are starting to shoot out strange leafs that have only 2 or 3 blades and the pre-flowers have trichs on them and so do some of the leafs... It is like the plant is in flowering but it isn't...

I have other plants in the tent and they aren't showing any of these same problems... and I even have other plants of the same strain and they are all fine...

Anyone have ideas as to why this is happening?



Active Member
So I have 2 plants (Bruce Banner and Lemon Skunk) that are in veg right now and they are starting to shoot out strange leafs that have only 2 or 3 blades and the pre-flowers have trichs on them and so do some of the leafs... It is like the plant is in flowering but it isn't...

I have other plants in the tent and they aren't showing any of these same problems... and I even have other plants of the same strain and they are all fine...

Anyone have ideas as to why this is happening?
Hi, Only two out of all huh? The trich's may be a response to heat, are they closer to the lamp than the others? Vent fan doing it's job? What temps are you seeing in the tent? Could also just be a feature of the genetics of those plants. Looks like they've sexed clearly. Are all the other parameters good i.e. pH in the nutrient solution is OK? TDS/EC OK? Are you using nutrients that are new to you? Letting the nutrient solution go too long without topping off or changing? What nutrients are you using currently?
I see a slight yellowing of one leaf, how frequently do you water? Is there much nitrogen in your nutrient solution? Are any of the other plants starting to show similar signs now? (meaning the 1st two were just the start of the problem). Anyway they don't look horrible and as they get bigger/older they may grow out of it. Nothing to worry about unless the plants start to look distressed. Anyway good luck! Happy Gardening! GrowIT!


New Member
So I have 2 plants (Bruce Banner and Lemon Skunk) that are in veg right now and they are starting to shoot out strange leafs that have only 2 or 3 blades and the pre-flowers have trichs on them and so do some of the leafs... It is like the plant is in flowering but it isn't...

I have other plants in the tent and they aren't showing any of these same problems... and I even have other plants of the same strain and they are all fine...

Anyone have ideas as to why this is happening?
i wouldnt call that a prob
just keep trucking
i have seen little trichs on a seedling
nothing to worry about
I am using Humboldt Oneness and CalMag for my nutrients and I also add some Hygrozyme to the mix... All of my conditions seem to be fine... PH right around 5.7 to 5.8 constantly, Res temp isn't too high, temps in the tent are right around 75F and no higher than 78 ever... If anything, the lights are too far away from the plants so I don't think it is heat stress...
The plants are flooded 4 times during lights on and they don't get watered at night...