

New Member
Anyone know when at which stage of veg' the trichomes start appearing? Obviously different strains will differ, but a sort of average would be nice.


New Member
soon then, very soon... Into second week of flowering now and we've gotten rid of all the males. Just one left that has just started showing today. To be honest it looks as though it's going to turn out to be a male. So that'd mean 19 out of 40 for the fem's. This last male is a runt (if it is a male, should know for def' tomorrow) and we're going to keep the little fella in a seperate environment. Any thoughts on fertilising a female. I have many but for now I'm only interested in marijuana plants.

I know you put a bag over the bud after the... ahem... deed is done. What then, do you just leave it there? If not how can you be sure that all the pollen has been soaked into the bud. What if some of it swims the wrong way, so to speak?

If it is necessary to take off the bag, couldn't you buy a translucent bag and leave it on after poking in some air-holes?

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
What I would do is take a small paint brush and grab a little pollen from the male and brush a very tiny amount on a bud. I wouldnt worry about covering anything. Just dont use too much pollen. Each pollen spore can potentially be a seed. You can use the bag method but yeah it needs to breath too.


New Member
Thanks Widow. I'll have a little think about it. If I do it your way I'll just make sure that the female is placed the furthest away from the fan.

As we haven't used the cloning method on this one we're going from seed again on the next. It'd be good to have some JTRs on the next one as we're going to be introducing a mix next time. Cheers mate!


New Member
My sativa is 11 weeks into flowering but dont have any trichs..what should i do?
Buy some icing sugar?

I don't know. 11 weeks into flower gives you only a couple more weeks of flower.

No trich's, at all? Not even a tiny, tiny amount? There must be some. If not, i don't know what to advise this far into flower. How long is the flower period?

Have you got any pic's?