Trichomes never turn amber


Active Member
I am using a 50:50 Ocean Forest and Ready Gro moisture formula in smart pots. I was advised to raise my hps (1000 watts) to the ceiling. For the past 2 years, my trichs have not turned amber and the plants are not finishing. The end result is bad stuff.

I am using Growilla and feed every other watering, about every 14 days. My pots stay wet until 7 days, then I alternate feedings with karma and other amendments.

On another forum, some posts suggest I am not feeding enough but the company directions say to feed every 10 to 14 days. Others suggest that my mix is bad and I should send it off for a soil sample.

I know I am missing something but I am at a loss. I am not sure of these prior suggestions. Has anyone ever mixed ReadyGro and Ocean Forest. I am using the recommendation of a local hydro dealer who also is a grower. Could I need to water more frequently because of the Ready Gro? But at the end of 7 days, the pots are still pretty heavy. I am wondering if the problem could be that the lights are too high.

Please help. I will be very grateful for any advice.


Well-Known Member
Just use Ocean Forest and maybe some perlite man. With Ocean Forest depending on your temps you can water once every 7 days. How are your plants looking throughout? Are they healthy? If you are watering once a week feed every week. Maybe throughout water with plain water 1-3 times. Feed, Feed, Water, Feed, Feed will work. The plants get very hungry in Bloom. You don't need the 1000w all the way to the ceiling. Feel the heat underneath with your hands and lower the lights, if its hot for your hands it's hot for your plants and you can raise it a little more. So questions for you:

Are the plants healthy throughout the flowering cycle?
Are you on a 12/12 cylce?
Have you looked up your strain flowering time?
Are you backing off Nitrogen during the last weeks?