trichomes and harvest


Just finishing my first grow (2xWW under 400w, week 8-9 of flowering). Trichomes are nice and milky all around and I was thinking when should I stop with the nutrients? I will be harvesting buds as they go (I managed to LST some kind of ScrOG - 14 buds on one flower) and aiming for more active buzz than couchlock. So my question is how long does it take to go from milky to amber? is it a week or just a day? should I stop feeding now or just wait till I spot the change in the colour?



Active Member
it can be anywhere from a few days to a few weeks depending on strain.
stop the nutes to get a good flush going and check everyday for the amber color if thats what your hoping for


Active Member
Depends what medium your using.. Hydroponics/coco only needs a 4-5 day flush IMO, But soil will need a good 8-12 days ideally.


It is soil and I would say it will be quite rich in nutrients. Watering every 4 days on average. WW is said to have around 10 weeks flowering till it reaches peak. as I am in week 8-9 I will start with water in next cycle.


Active Member
Cut out the nutes now and only give them blackstrap molasses. The smoke will be less harsh and the molasses will fatten the buds.

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
I would stop feeding when they are all milky white give it a week or two and chop it. You will get a better head stone this way. Its the way I do it. I usually harvest when 1/4 are amber. This works well for all types I have harvested. Also chop em early in the morning so that the bud doesnt retain any nutes that are still in the plant.