Treating Leaf Septoria in Flower

I’ve seen a few people recommend using copper fungicides to treat septoria in bloom. A couple of my plants are showing classic signs of infection at 3-4 weeks into flower, even though I plan to wash them prior to harvest I’m still apprehensive to spray copper on my plants. I was hoping someone who’s tried it could weigh in on what effect it’s had, if any, on the finished meds.

I’ve also been digging to see if Beauveria Bassiana might play a role in systemically stifling this blight. Research indicates that it helps with pythium and fusarium, figure it might be worth a shot if it’s not too late to introduce it at this stage. Suppose it couldn’t hurt for any late stage critters that might be lurking too but the stuff ain’t cheap so if it’s something that takes time to work and I missed my window I’m thinking I might as well save my money. Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I’ve seen a few people recommend using copper fungicides to treat septoria in bloom. A couple of my plants are showing classic signs of infection at 3-4 weeks into flower, even though I plan to wash them prior to harvest I’m still apprehensive to spray copper on my plants. I was hoping someone who’s tried it could weigh in on what effect it’s had, if any, on the finished meds.

I’ve also been digging to see if Beauveria Bassiana might play a role in systemically stifling this blight. Research indicates that it helps with pythium and fusarium, figure it might be worth a shot if it’s not too late to introduce it at this stage. Suppose it couldn’t hurt for any late stage critters that might be lurking too but the stuff ain’t cheap so if it’s something that takes time to work and I missed my window I’m thinking I might as well save my money. Any thoughts?
if u got real leafspot u need to spray asap or cut an trash now,copper works not sure on any thing else