transporting plants to site

couple of questions
-How do I transport my plants to my sites. Does anyone know of any plant backpacks that fit clones in.
-if not whats the best way to transport them
-could I just plant seeds outside and go from their.
-How far is to far to transport a plant, I was planning on driving them out by dirtbike

any info helps. thanks


Well-Known Member
How big are they?
You can use bottles with the tops cut off into a hinge and taped back up for smallish clones.


bud bootlegger
.. i wouldn't really start them outdoors .. imho opinion i think it would be better to start them indoors in maybe some solo cups under some cfl's.. when the weather permits, i would put them in some kind of backpack like your thinking of.. i don't know any specific models for you to look for, but i'm sure your an imaginitive fellow and can find one that suits your needs..
and as to how far to put them .. i would think that once you think your deep enough, or hidden enough, go a lil further.. you can never go to undercover.. and i wouldn't take your dirt bike all the way to your spot.. i would take it fairly close and walk in the rest of the way .. this way you won't start making any kind of trails from your bike that would be easily followed directly to your plot..
thanks for the quick response. I will defanetly try to get them going indoor first.. how far should I try to take them... 2-3 weeks before transporting them?


bud bootlegger
yah, the longer that you can take them indoors will give them all the better chance of making it once you put them outdoors..


Well-Known Member
Are you talking clones or seeds or seedlings? I'm confused by the wording of your question. You mention seeds, seedlings, and clones.... what is your exact plan of attack? do you know?


Well-Known Member
If you use 16oz solo cups, 5 will fit in a milk crate. Or just try to find a box that will hold them firmly. I used newspaper last year to fill the space in between and keep them nice and tight. It isn't a bad idea to do it at night either.