Transplanting in flowering?


Due to $$, I wasnt able to get more pots and soil, so my plants got stuck in 2 gallon pots, and one of the pots is only half full of soil. They are in their 3rd week of flowering, and already the plant with a full pot of soil has way more bud development.

Would it shock my plants to transplant them now?


Active Member

Yes transplanting during bloom give shock to plant. Honestly never done that before. Anyone could confirm it should be avoided?

EDIT: From a good source, you can transplant during flowering (which aint the best thing to do but if you have to do it, you can do it) just be sure you are using the same soil and go gently with her.

You will notice a slow growth during few days maybe 2 weeks due to the small "Stress" then she will keep growing.

Have a good day!


New Member
yes it can shock it,but i feel that its still early enough to do it
that way u can avoid stress later on from having such a small pot


New Member
u can also transplant by just cutting off the bottom of the pot and setting it in something bigger....that will minimize any shock


Active Member
i just transplanted some of mine from pot to ground for the same reason...and i just cut the bottom of the small pot and filled my dug hole with the same soil long as they are healthy then shouldnt hurt them at all..should notice a good difference in them in 2weeks,,i seen difference in mine after 3 days,but i used a transplanting method i got from this site.......if you know "veggiegardener" or find that name on this site and he has step by step pics for successful transplant,,he knows his shit...i have a few pics o n profile if your interested in checking them out.