Transplanting first time

Hey i have a healthy indoor plant thats been vegging for about 2 1/2 months and was gonna transplant it out side soon when it warms up i was wondering what i had to do to the soil if ima put in my yard. Its been on a 24/0 will it flower in the light change ? And is it ok if its close to trees and other weeds?


Active Member
i usualy dig up and loosen the soil, add in about 3-6" of my mixed soil to bottom of hole and mix some into the surrounding natural soil. also i like to keep the plant recessed into the ground about 3" to allow ease of watering, but this really depends on your personal soil conditions and soil type. if there is a lot of clay, you will want to add some rock or sand to the bottom to help with drainage. its cool to place them near other plants, just make sure shell have plenty of light.