transplanting during flowering...?


Well-Known Member
I have 7 females grown from bagseed, they were grown all their lives in pots under 1 gallon. The plants range from 2 - 5 feet in height and i was wondering if the plants would be better off planted in the ground? They're ranging from 2-4 weeks into flowering and I just don't want to overly stress them this late in their lives. Would it be worth it?


Well-Known Member
Hey t, hows it goin? i have transplanted when my babies were 3weeks into flowering. Just make sure where ur planting it is well prepared b4 u do anything. Try and get the new area as close to the old one as u can....(temp.nutrients etc) or it will go into shock. Having said that transplanting always causes shock. Just try and be as gentle as u can with the rootmass,dont damage it too much..and everything should be fine...hope this helped in any way for u...


Well-Known Member
Well obviously I'm gonna assume this is outdoor. No, I wouldn't, unless you have extensive knowledge about the soil, or unless you dig huge holes and fill them with the soil mix.

You should just get 3 to 5 gal pots, or if you dont wanna buy them you can use trash bags. Transplanting them wont really hurt them unless you're really changing up the environment, or really rough handling them. I'm 3 weeks into flowering and my girl loved the transplant, like she could finally grow to her potential.