Transplanting clones


I just bought several clones. They are in some kind of stiff sponge medium. Hydroponics I think. How do I transplant them to a pot to grow out side?


Well-Known Member
the stiff material you are talkin about is probably rockwool... and you can just plant the whole cube into the ground... the roots will grow through the rockwool...


Well-Known Member
or plant them into a pot... well shit i guess ill be thorough..

1) tranplant into desired pot

2) water with a transplant shock inhibitor

3) harden off clone to outdoor weather by giving it a few hours of light a day, increasing the amount of light everyday, over a week... after a week it will be fine to leave outside all day everyday... during the times you have it inside try to keep them under an MH light.. but floros will work if its all you have...

thats pretty much the easy way.... if you have any more specific ?s ask away!

good luck


Well-Known Member
The grow medium will be rockwool cubes,just plant the cube straight into soil and it will be fine the root system will grow out of the be honest i don't know anyone who take's clones in any other medium than rockwool these days.when i first started growing it was pucks or jiffy pots but clones have alot better rate of takeing in rockwool.i gow hydrophonicly so once the clones have outgrown the 2 ince cubes i put them in 4 ince and then into the hydr system.i have not had a root system take longer than a week to take since useing rockwool.