Transplanted (Trainwreck) into 3 gallon container, stuck it in my veggie garden.


WEED 005.jpgWEED 001.jpgWEED 007.jpgWEED 008.jpgHelllo hello to all that have been following my threads. Today seemed to be alittle bit of a slower grow process for my dear lady. The heat just wore them out. Top temperature in my patio was about 100 degrees farenheit. We are going through a heat wave here in Ontario, Canada. I originally had them growing in my patio after the seedlings started to pop through the soil but i was starting to see a few things that could interfere with the grow process. Like, the heat. Which couldnt really be controlled in the patio and also i was using a clear plastic cup, which people said wasnt good beacuse the roots were getting light. The head of the plant started to get alittle droopy aswell.

So, tonight, i transplanted my little lady (which i started germinating June 28th) into a 3 gallon container and put it right outside into the garden, next to my cucumber plant. I am worried about bugs though, and also am worried it is actually to late to plant them outdoors. I heard they are supposed to go out May 24 weekend. Im taking a risk here. Im pretty much just going with my gut, and taking all your guys advice i am getting on here. So let me know if this set up will be alright for the rest of my grow process. Like i said, its in my vegetable garden in its pot. Do i transplant it a third time into the 5 gallon i originally bought for it???

Here are acouple pics. They are all from today.

You will see the first set of pics are when it was in the plastic cup, it was about 3 inches tall this morning.
Then the second set of pics you see will be of it transplanted and in my vegetable garden. WhichWEED 006.jpg i just did tonight.

Let me know, thanks everyone very much, your help is appreciated.


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