

New Member
So we’ve had these autos for about 9-10 days in these pots and someone on my last thread told me it’s time to transplant. Online it says they should have more leaves but these containers are pretty small. Should I move them to these bigger pots?image.jpgimage.jpg


Well-Known Member
Yes. Definitely up pot. Autos don't like small containers for long. It's not like a photo where you want to wait for the roots to fill out their space to transplant. If the tap root bottoms out too early they can flower prematurely.

Some people start autos right in their final container for this reason. Personally, I've been starting them in 1 gallon pots then move them to their final home after a few weeks.


Well-Known Member
I agree with the above. I never plant an auto into anything small. Always 1 gallon first, then transplant into final pot.

Fun Bunny

I wait until there's just enough root mass to hold the soil together but not choked up with roots. Transplant them now and you run the risk of the root-ball falling apart. In your situation I'd give it 3 or 4 more days but that's just me.

Sorry, just noticed this was 4 days ago. Oh well.