Transplant trouble


Hey all,
I could use a little input here. I have two plants that I had to remove from my grow box after five weeks of vegetative under 24 hrs metal halide in an ebb and flow environment at 75-83 degree F. They were about three foot high at the time and healthy. The only options I had was to scrap them or transplant outdoors. Needless to say, they went outside. I bought Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil and 3 gallon pots. From what I read this soil would provide the necessary nutrients. I transplanted them 7 days ago. One showed a little stress from the change but quickly went back to being perky after one day adjustment. The temperatures outside have ranged from 78 at night to 98 in the day. They are under full sun for most of the day. Is this nutrient burn? What should I do? Any help would be greatly appreciated!



well I may have answered my own question. The new leaves growing in look fine, they all seem to be doing well. Unfortunately I didn't ease the plant into the sun:wall: So I'm thinking that it's not nutrient burn, but actual burn! Well, I guess the first time is biggest learning curve.


Well-Known Member
I would watch the new growth. And monitor any spreading. Probaly just a combination of transplant shock to soil and some minor burning from the ocean forest. They should adapt being they are big as they are.


Hey Cowboy, I'm thinking you're right. The new growth does look good. The plants over all seem perky and strong. Thanks for the input!