Transplant these before flower?


Id love to know if these plants would need to be transplanted again before started on 12/12 for flowering. I would like to not have to do that but I am worried they will outgrow the current pots.

I believe growth was stunted slightly due to prior transplant shock, so this is at week 6 of veg.
The big guy is some bagseed and the smaller one is bagseed from some blue dream or durban poison, forget which..either way its sativa which I know grows slightly different.
It has had that ugly unhealthy yellow color its whole life. I had asked when it was about a week or two old if it was a defficiency of some sort and I was informed that plants that are that young cannot have deficiencies. Maybe not enough nutrients in the soil? Both were started in Organic Miracle Grow Potting Soil [5 - 5 - 5] and some MG Perlite..moved into 2 parts MG soil 1 part MG Peat Moss with some MG Perlite. Both were also fed Superthrive after transplants.

At about week 4 / 5 they were fed some Osmocote smart release plant food, [I now understand the advantage of using liquid feeders as opposed to these serval month slow release feeders...much more control over the dosage] as well as MG Blood Meal.

I understand Bone Meal is good food for flowering stage? Also been told to drop the humidity as much as possible the last 2 weeks of flowering for maximum yield. Any other tips, tricks, loves, hates, please share the knowledge.

Thanks!BS healthy.jpgsativa.jpg


Well-Known Member
Your gonna start a 50 page thread with the MG comment. I'm glad you told me they were dwarfed because of transplant shock or I was going to give you little hell about how small they were.
Indoor growers generally don't like using miracle grow potting soil because of the time release nutrients. For instance; I veg for 3 to 4 weeks then flower for 8 to 9, during this time the plant wants different nutrients. For flowering they don't like as much nitrogen although they still need small amounts, but tend to want more potassium and phosphate. The time release nutrients in miracle grow give less control over what the indoor grower can feed his or her plants at any given time and when they get that feed. Many people like to flush the vegetative nutrients out of their soil before adding flower nutrients; you cannot do this with miracle grow potting soil, because when you water it, time release nutrients will be released. This is the reason people like to use liquid nutrients as compared to time released nutrients, because of the more precise control over what the plant gets and when it gets it.
I have also heard that lowering humidity levels during flowering will grow denser buds? I have no idea if this is true or not, but I do know that higher intensity light will grow denser buds.
The constant yellow coloring of the one plant that you discussed, might be due to growing it in miracle grow. If your watering schedule isn't right you can be releasing too much nitrogen or not enough nitrogen into your soil.
I generally like to grow in 5 gallon buckets if I'm going to grow for around four months. Some people say gallon for every foot of plant you want and some say gallon for however many months you want to grow it. If they are in 4 to 5 gallon buckets I don't think you need to transplant. Good luck and good growing.