Transplant Shock or Something Else?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I just transplanted 4 young plants into their DWC baskets, and now they're showing some bad signs. At first just a few plants had some leaves looking like this:
I use RO water, so I assumed that was magnesium deficiency and added some epsom salt to try to help them. But a few days have gone by, and the ladies seem to be getting worse. 3 of the 4 that I transplanted are having problems, and none of the ones still in the original bucket are having problems. On the 3 problem plants, they look like they're drying up or dying.
(1).jpg (2).jpg (6).jpg (7).jpg (8).jpg
For comparison, here's the 4th transplant that looks fine, as well as the ones that haven't been transplanted that look fine.
(3).jpg (4).jpg
They are all in about 450ppm of GH MaxiBloom. All plants had roots long enough to be IN the new res as soon as they were transplanted, so they shouldn't be dying from no water.

Anyone know what's wrong with these ladies?
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Well-Known Member
looks like heat damage.
Definitely could be, but shouldn't they all show similar stress?
looks like root rot white buckets clear air lines how much air in each buckets
I know the white buckets are bad, and they're very temporary. The roots are still nice and pearl white underneath though. Each bucket has 1 large air stone with plenty of airflow so that shouldn't be the problem.