Transplant Question


Active Member
Ok so My plants are 13 days old from germination today and I am starting to see some roots around the bottom of the 24oz plastic cup. They are working on their second set of leaves (not including Cotyledon leaves) and seem to be growing quite fast.

When should I transplant them into the 3 gallon smart pot? I've heard that you want to have a good root ball before you transplant but I'm not entirely sure how to discover that you have one. Also, the 3 gallon pots will have FFOF soil, while right now they are in plain soil. I had seedling that I started in FFOF that were burned badly so I'm not really sure when the plant is strong enough to handle them.

Any help would be appreciated.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
What no pics?Sounds like she is ready.I would try,and amend the nuted soil with plain soil for the transplant area.I am thinking this would be a good buffer against the nuted soil (till roots take hold).

I am not a soil guy.Just offering a suggestion.


New Member
IMO, if those 3 gallon smart pots are going to be your final pots I'd transplant now into a 1/2 gal or so then a few weeks later into the 3 gallons. I do two transplants, the last into a 5 gallon smart, so being you are only going into a 3 for a final pot you could just go directly into the 3. Give them a few more days and transplant.
I go from 12oz solo cup(5-8 days) into a 5" square quart I think(14-20 days) then into 5 gallon smart.


New Member
This is exactly why you should transplant into another pot before your final, so you can transplant directly into fully nuted FFOF for your final. At 14 days IDK if that is a well enough established plant to FOR SURE handle FFOF. But I think you are safe now. Only about 1/5 of all strains burn early in FFOF and that's usually right from seed to early seedling.


Active Member
Thanks for the input guys. Yeah I have heard about the multiple pot system. I feel like I may need to work up to that though. Gotta learn how to not rip the roots out first. I've done so much research but now that I have to actually do it, I'm doubting myself.

Here's a pic.



New Member
Thanks for the input guys. Yeah I have heard about the multiple pot system. I feel like I may need to work up to that though. Gotta learn how to not rip the roots out first. I've done so much research but now that I have to actually do it, I'm doubting myself.

Here's a pic.

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Those are nowhere near ready for full FFOF or a 3 gallon pot. They look fine, but these are 13 days old from germinated seed, or did you germinate seed in this soil? I would definitely find a pot about 3-4 times the size of those cups and transplant into a 50/50 mix of low or non-nuted soil with FFOF. At first transplant I go from 100% FF Light Warrior to a 50/50 mix of LW and FFOF.


New Member

Here are 17 day old seedlings in 5" pots under T5HO lights. About 1 week from being put in 5 gallon smarts.


Active Member
13 days from when I started germination. Sorry for the confusion.

Would transplanting in mostly non nuted soil be ok? After mixing my ffof and perlite for the 3 gallons I was left with very little ffof. Maybe enough for like a 80/20 mix.

Also, the only other pots I have are roughly 2 gallons. Are those too big?


New Member
13 days from when I started germination. Sorry for the confusion.

Would transplanting in mostly non nuted soil be ok? After mixing my ffof and perlite for the 3 gallons I was left with very little ffof. Maybe enough for like a 80/20 mix.

Also, the only other pots I have are roughly 2 gallons. Are those too big?
OK. So you are counting the days it took to germinate seed as well? Because at 13 days from throwing a already germinated seed in soil those should be a lot bigger.

Well remember when you transplant from a pot into another you'll be bringing the rootball and some dirt with you so maybe you have a little more FFOF then you think. I'd still have to say it's OK even with only 20% FFOF. What is the other soil you are using?
2 GALS are too big, grab any type pot less then a gallon. Cut a milk or water gal in half or something. The first transplant is very important.

Do you have nutes yet?


Active Member
Milk cartons! What a good idea. Also thanks for the pic up there. Its a great point of reference

Yeah, I meant 13 days from dropping them in the cup of water. More like 7 days since its been above soil. Still learning when the "beginning" of the plant is I guess.

The medium they are in now is just some generic sphagnum moss with a little dolemite lime in it. It took me a while to hunt down a non miracle gro, non nuted product. I started with this because ffof killed my first grow. That and those 2 gallon plastic pots. And my proclivity to over water lol. Hence the perlite and smart pots this go.


Active Member
And yes I have six different Fox Farms nutrient products. Have not used them yet. Very reluctant at this point.


New Member
For 7 days they are fine, you will see the different growth spurts throughout the grow.

Don't use any nutes, I was just wondering if you had them ready.
For Fox Farm nutes I use big grow/big bloom/tiger bloom/open sesame/beastie bloomz/cha-ching and just added kangaroots and microbe this last round. I also use great White root enhancer throughout veg along with does of CalMagPlus and humic acid. Use Earth juice ph up and down when needed.

I imagine you have the first six-bg/bb/tb/os/bb/cc.

Now when using full strength or close to it FFOF in your final pot, guesstimate final transplant at about week 3-4, you should not need any nutes whatsoever until week 7-8 or basically late veg early flower depending on how long you veg. When you do begin, start off at 1/4- 1/8 strength or near there. So say when you get to first week flower, according to FoxFarm chart, you should be feeding 3tsp BB-2tsp BG-2tsp TB-1/4tsp OS per gallon of water. INSTEAD, you should do at most 1tsp BB-1/2tsp BG-1/2tsp TB-1/16 to 1/8 OS per gallon.
Start weak or you will pay the price with burn. And then you will have to recover which can take a few weeks and hurt yields.

Less is more.

Being your plants will be plenty fed with N(nitrogen) during veg with the FFOF you will end up using very little of your Big Grow. You should use a little N in early to mid flower if the leaves go yellow too quickly.

You should also be adding in 1-2 TABLESPOONS of dolomite lime per gallon of soil in your final pots. Powdered. It's cheap. This will help with cal def. and keep pH buffered. Maybe grab a small bottle of CalMagPlus if using filtered or very clean tap water. My ppm tap is under 100 so i almost have to use it.

Next round buy yourself some worm castings and make those about 10-15% of your final mix. Not really cheap but one small bag should last you an entire year.

You got perlite, about 10-20% is good.

Main mistakes will be over-watering, which in your case will be hard to do once in smart pots. And of course over-nuting. Go slow and you won't regret it. If issues come up post them on here and get help. Being we are using almost identical soil and nutes shoot me a message if you run into trouble.

Fat Sticky Nugs

Active Member
Transplant at 3 weeks old, to half gallon pot or 1 gallon pot. I just put mine into 1 gallons at 3 weeks and their thriving. Just don't feed for a good week or so with the new ffof soil being on those seedlings :D


Active Member
For 7 days they are fine, you will see the different growth spurts throughout the grow.

Don't use any nutes, I was just wondering if you had them ready.
For Fox Farm nutes I use big grow/big bloom/tiger bloom/open sesame/beastie bloomz/cha-ching and just added kangaroots and microbe this last round. I also use great White root enhancer throughout veg along with does of CalMagPlus and humic acid. Use Earth juice ph up and down when needed.

I imagine you have the first six-bg/bb/tb/os/bb/cc.

Now when using full strength or close to it FFOF in your final pot, guesstimate final transplant at about week 3-4, you should not need any nutes whatsoever until week 7-8 or basically late veg early flower depending on how long you veg. When you do begin, start off at 1/4- 1/8 strength or near there. So say when you get to first week flower, according to FoxFarm chart, you should be feeding 3tsp BB-2tsp BG-2tsp TB-1/4tsp OS per gallon of water. INSTEAD, you should do at most 1tsp BB-1/2tsp BG-1/2tsp TB-1/16 to 1/8 OS per gallon.
Start weak or you will pay the price with burn. And then you will have to recover which can take a few weeks and hurt yields.

Less is more.

Being your plants will be plenty fed with N(nitrogen) during veg with the FFOF you will end up using very little of your Big Grow. You should use a little N in early to mid flower if the leaves go yellow too quickly.

You should also be adding in 1-2 TABLESPOONS of dolomite lime per gallon of soil in your final pots. Powdered. It's cheap. This will help with cal def. and keep pH buffered. Maybe grab a small bottle of CalMagPlus if using filtered or very clean tap water. My ppm tap is under 100 so i almost have to use it.

Next round buy yourself some worm castings and make those about 10-15% of your final mix. Not really cheap but one small bag should last you an entire year.

You got perlite, about 10-20% is good.

Main mistakes will be over-watering, which in your case will be hard to do once in smart pots. And of course over-nuting. Go slow and you won't regret it. If issues come up post them on here and get help. Being we are using almost identical soil and nutes shoot me a message if you run into trouble.
Wow man. That's basically everything I needed to know. You got my nutes right and I have been using distilled water so I'll look into the CalMagPlus. I don't know if mentioning that these are autoflowering plants means anything for the amount of nutes they need but I'll assume no. I have a Ph up and down kit that I used in the water. Thanks for all of the useful information.


New Member
Yes, you will definitely need calmagplus with distilled.

And if you do look at the FoxFarm chart be sure to look at their newest one, it has much weaker doses then the original but they are still too high.

Yes autos are different. You'll use less nutes. I never do autos only photo-period fems but the only real diff is they begin to flower under normal light cycles and they usually flower quicker from what I know of them. Less yield to. You'll need to come up with your own fed schedule similar to the chart, much weaker of course. I wouldn't start using the OS until you see white pistils, then instead of the scheduled 3-4 weeks of OS I'd switch to Beastie Bloomz within a few weeks of signs of first white pistils. But don't worry about that until you get there, just worry about vegging her out now. Shouldn't need any nutes until it begins to flower. If your pots you are transplanting in now are only 20% fox farm you may need to use small amounts of BG and BB before the final pots, but maybe not. Keep throwing up pics to show progress.

Here is that chart

Here is my current grow.


Active Member
Ok so I just transplanted into 3 liter bottles. Is it normal to feel like that sucked a lot? Had to keep them standing up by packing dirt near the stem. Gruesome.