transplant question reps for it


Well-Known Member
I have 1.5 inch cubes of rockwool in an ebb system with tire mulch under the cubes. The cubes will be a full week old when 4x4x4 inxh cubes arrive. I have decided to moved the 1.5 inch cubes into the 4 inchers for space sake. Their will be roots stiking out of the cubes, Not many but some danglers.
Will the plants be stunted by this move at around one week do you think, I ant risk any going make or hermie becasue of stunting or shock, i woud rather just leave it. Any advice or experiencekiss-ass


Well-Known Member
id leave them in their until there is a few roots sticking out....if u dont transplant it this will cause more stress cause the roots wont be fedding off anything..i wud prolly transplant soon..just to be safe


Well-Known Member
This is an easy one. If done carefully you should not see any stunting. It is more of a medium addition than transplant b/c correct me if I am wrong but the 1.5" cubes should fit nice and snuggly in the 4" cubes as they have an opening for it on one side. I have never witnessed any shock or stunting from doing this many many times. I would reccomend letting the new cubes sit in plain tap water if your ppm's are under 150 or so ph'd to 5.6-5.8 lukewarm with 2 caps or so of h2o2 and maybe a ittle superthrive if you have it overnight. Carefully squeeze out excesses water and let them sit for an hour or two. You can check the excess's waters ph if you want. Ph is only important if your tap water is over 50 or so ppms. If over 300 I would use distilled water. And no nutes obviously.
I would also reccomend that you do not push the 1.5" cube all the way down but leave a 1/4 inch or so so there will not potentially be any damage to the little fellas.

In summary, unless you deliberately mash them in there, you will be fine. Even if you did mash them you would probably still be fine. Im sure it is the plants DNA somewhere not too bug out or stress to much when it is this young but instead to be more resiliant. Later in life it is a different story.

And dont know too much about the tire mulch other than is it really necessary? I mean with ebb and flow wouldnt that leave open the possibility to mold and other pest and such with rotting organic matter? The rockwool cubes are designed for near perfect airation and absorbtion.

Anyways good luck and be ginger!


Well-Known Member
ty reps tu all. To clear it up for fun, and you already answered my question, i am using the system in my avatar. Theri are the 1 inch rw cubes sitting in there with tire mulch as the rest of the media. It is ebb and flo. I flood the 2 liters upside down in pic every 2 hours. I am moving to the bigger rw blocks and a tray system as even tho this 2 liter system works awesome i need something i can tear down in a hurry and also with this system and a 400 hid I am relaly pushing it when it comes to lit. Also a tray will make it easier when it comes to removign males. Another factor is pump faliure. While i can have a pump on hand if i dont notice it I am dead in 2 to 4 hours. I almost had it and the girls need their water at that time. So i am waiting for 4 inch rw cubes to come and 5.25 inch pots. The pots are a maybe. I could put the cubes in theor with rw flock and have totally moveable pots or if this does not work i could just leave the 4x4 cubes on the table. This is me stilll learning, and un fortunatly i really like to learn by doing.


Well-Known Member
Im so confused, lol. did you make that yourself? stick with whatever works for you but remember those roots should be growing constantly and can get rootbound to a degree in any hydroponic setup. looks like you are going to have to keep them on the smaller side?