transplant phenotypes/auto flowers/ need advice please.


i have 2 auto flowers in big pots straight up. but the two smaller pheno's are going slow compared to the autos, here are my specs./strains. if you spot iv'e done something maybe wrong please point it out.

400W cool tube( no cool tubing atm its cold ) 400W grow-lush ballets with a Super HPS 400W
1. Critical Cheese Auto Flower 2. Dutch Passion Seeds Think Different auto flower.
3. White Widow X Big Bud Phenotype, 4. Ice Bomb Phenotype.

they were all Germ'd Seeded and Potted At the Same Time. it has been 7 days i cannot check the roots on the phenotype as it's a brown container, not sure if its ready, not ready for a transplant. please advice.

their are 4 different strain's in their, how can i overcome some problems with watering/neuts

Mainly How Long Before i Transplant the Pheno's?

anything else you could throw at a newbie would be much apprenticed! thanks in advance


Born Again Vegan

Active Member
Hey dude, I used to think it was fun trying out lotsa different kinds of plants but in the end i now just do a couple of cuttings from the same plant.
Why? Because to get your shit dialled in it helps if everything is the same it makes it so much easier.
Plants in same size containers, grow the same rate, drink and eat the same no messing.
Soon you'll have to flower your regs and then the autos won't thrive because they do better on a veg cycle.
But to answer your question my seedlings are in 1 litre pots for two weeks, then into 3L pots for another two weeks, then into 3 gals.
Look for roots coming out of the bottom of their pots as an indicator that they might be nearly ready for transplant.