Transplant or dont transplant?


Active Member
im pretty much a newbie and have a question for all you experts..
i just started growing id say 2-3 weeks ago and i have 4 plants in a medium sized pot and 2 of them are growing right next to each other and there both same size then anothers really big and one really small and im not sure what to do or whats wrong?
1 do i transplant all of them in to seperate pots
or 2 dont even take the time and just get rid of 2 or 3 of them

b.c i dont know how hard it is to transplant and they are pretty small and young....? please help i can give a picture or more details if needed
*edit* also the plants are kind of growing crooked or bending at the stems whats that mean?


Active Member
im no expert but i would say that you should get them into seperate pots because then they can all be seperate and grow at there own rate.


Well-Known Member
You really should separate them asap. I would get the plants and soil into a large bucket of water and gently attempt to tease the roots apart. Go slow and try not to tear. Do this while the entire root ball is in the water. If you have to cut them, give each plant as much root mass as possible. Take your time while doing this. Repot them back into good soil, water throughly with a root hormone and wait. They'll probably do well with time and patience. Don't feed for at least two weeks except for molasses, and super thrive. Also be careful of overwatering. GL HH