transplant fucked up


ok so i did my first transplant and somehow i fucked up because my leaf just went lump to the ground the night after the transplant.. so i gave it water and sun but nothing happend so i cut the leaf because the root sticking out of the soil was still in pretty good shape... so idk if i have fucked my plant or if i did the right thing because i herd if you cut it it will take less stress off of it... do i just have to wait it out and see what happens or is their something i can add to it that will make it stronger.. any advice will help its an outdoor plant and my first grow obviously lol...
just give it time. i have removed a few of my bottom leaves due to this. not from transplant but none the less.
anytime you transplant you are going to have shock. just ignore it for a week. the 1 thing that will hurt or even kill your girl is fussing over it. its a weed, weeds do good if you ignore them..
anytime you transplant you are going to have shock. just ignore it for a week. the 1 thing that will hurt or even kill your girl is fussing over it. its a weed, weeds do good if you ignore them..
this is true becASUE when i first started it i just poured wsater on it and let it sit and i forgot about it for 3days i was so blown over some warlock i had forgotten where i put it then i saw it next to my outside fridge and wala two seeds vegging guess i'll just give it time...soo i just keep watering it as usual??
Here's what I do, everytime I transplant.. I get some quick start root hormone transplanting liquid at like wal-mart. Then just follow instructions and it should grow in time!
Here's what I do, everytime I transplant.. I get some quick start root hormone transplanting liquid at like wal-mart. Then just follow instructions and it should grow in time!

thanks man...ya i already picked some up lol i got dr. Q's or some shit its just for revitilization and transplants so hopefully it will working in time.. should i also spray the leaves or not... and what is a GOOD fertilizer? im getting some cow shit but still dont know what to really feed it...thanks
thanks man...ya i already picked some up lol i got dr. Q's or some shit its just for revitilization and transplants so hopefully it will working in time.. should i also spray the leaves or not... and what is a GOOD fertilizer? im getting some cow shit but still dont know what to really feed it...thanks

Well you shouldnt really be giving it anything as of now.
yea but dont overwater...i jst made that mistake the other day nd im payin for it...but if your plant is outside then it shouldnt be to easy to over water jst ask these people how often they water there outside plants....
i think its 200ml but its like 90's all around so im really unsure of it i just water it like three times a day and it vegged then hella died on my
i know it 200ml a day but im in some heat here so i just water it three times a day i dont know what to do or if there is anything to do about the heat its almost 100 right now but i just keep watering it when my plant thermometor says to
damn im too high i didnt even realize there was a second page sent the same fucking thing twice hahhahaahhahaha