transplant at 17 days?????


Active Member
My plants are 17 days. I was talking to people about lst and topping trying to keep my plants small. But at 17 days I had to transplant them from the white square 7x7 buckets to the black 3 gallons. I had to transplant them I could see the roots coming out the bottom of the old buckets. I'm also growing in a small closet in an apartment I just took the pics outside. But 2 of them are already a foot tall and I was wondering since they are so big for 17 days if I should continue to veg longer or go ahead and put them into flowering??? the 2 big ones are showing female pre flowers. The shortest one is taking its time. Its kinda wilty sometimes and I'm not sure why cuz I def don't overwater. I have fox farm ocean and it retains a lot of moisture. They are on a 150 watt hps. To veg or flower, that is the question. If I do flower. I'm going to wait a couple days just to see how they handled the transplant. Advice please. They are growing a lot faster than I expected.



Well-Known Member
How often are you watering? They do look a tad over-watered.
Did you mix some perlite into the FFOF or just put them straight into FFOF?
The FFOF doesn't really drain that well, in my opinion, unless you add like 30-50% perlite to it.
If you just transplanted them then they have like 1-2 weeks of nutrients left in the soil before you need to give them nutes.
Depending on how big of a space you have to grow them is the result of when you should flower.
If they can grow 10 feet tall, I'd veg them for another month atleast.


Active Member
I water maybe once every four days or so. I check under the surface of the dirt to see if they need water. It holds the water great for me. I have no nutes on them just straight ffof. Trying to do it as natrually as possible. And I don't want them to get too big my space is small. And I was asking about topping and lst to keep it short but if they get too bushy they block the other plants from light. So I was thinking why not flower. I was not expecting them to grow that fast.