Transition Phase



I have 7 girls in pots in my 4'x4' tent, vegged for about 6 weeks now under a 400w MH. I have a new 600w HPS ready for the flowering stage but what I am wondering is how do I sucessfully get from A to B. I have done alot of reading and asking around outside of these forums but now would like to get a general consensus as to the best way to approach this transtion period.

First the lighting. Im going to be going from 18 hours of 400w to 11 hours of 600w. Should it be just BOOM! one day they are all of a sudden getting 1.5 times the strength of light they had the day before? Or do i slowly start cutting down the lighting a week or so before changing bulbs/ballasts? Or do I keep the MH in and adjust the timers for the first few weeks of flowering? Do I keep the height the same? or raise it up since the 600w is alot stronger than they were used to? Then lower it a bit each day to get back to the same height?

Now the nutrients. I have a good feeding regimen that I have developed over my last few outdoor grows that seems to be working for me based around ( wait for it ) Miracle Grow ( i know most people hate it but I have been using it for years with great success ). I have different formulas for veg and flower. So im wondering WHEN to start changing the nutes? Do i do it right at the flip of the lights? Or start a few weeks before/after the light flip? and when I DO flip the Nutes, is it sudden or do i wean the plants off the veg nutes and slowly start introducing them to the bloom nutes?

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Thank you in advance for all the help. Looking forward to eharing some insight from the vets around here.....

Happy Growing


Well-Known Member
As per Demons advice ....just do it, but why not 12x12? should you be that concerned raise the 600w twice the height for a couple of hours just to test the temp first, but plants love light ....just you wait and see


yeah. i think having it higher and bit by bit lowering it over the daylight hours. I was told as a rule of thumb to place your hand over the canopy and if the lights burning the back of your hand, its too close for the plants