Train wreck any tips on this strain


I'm from south Wales in the UK any tips on growing train wreck would be very welcome grown lots of different strains but this is the first time I'v grown these I'll put some photos on later


Well-Known Member
The buds got too heavy the plant when i was growing it. The stalks seemed to just not be strong enough and theyd always fall over and lay across the trellising.


The buds got too heavy the plant when i was growing it. The stalks seemed to just not be strong enough and theyd always fall over and lay across the trellising.
Thanks for reply I'll keep tying them up nice to hear the buds should that big usually grow critical mass flower in six weeks and it grows like mad and there idiot proof
trainwreck is on my bucket list.
I remember this series with Jorge Cervantes 'on the inside' where he tours a grow room in cali where they only grow the Tw. Mite find some nuggets of info there. G'luck!

here's the link


Well-Known Member
Trainwreck (the real Trainwreck) was created by Steve Tuck and is a clone only strain if you want the accurate genetics. When you get a trainwreck cut to "self" seeds... something like 99 out of 100 will not be a genetic match, at least that's how Mr. Tuck explained it to me in a chat box a few years ago. He claims to have a genetic patent on it (with who I don't know), and totally went off on a breeder selling feminized Trainwreck seeds for big bucks. Probably could find that thread on that Michigan medical mj website for further info.


Well-Known Member
Trainwreck (the real Trainwreck) was created by Steve Tuck and is a clone only strain if you want the accurate genetics. When you get a trainwreck cut to "self" seeds... something like 99 out of 100 will not be a genetic match, at least that's how Mr. Tuck explained it to me in a chat box a few years ago. He claims to have a genetic patent on it (with who I don't know), and totally went off on a breeder selling feminized Trainwreck seeds for big bucks. Probably could find that thread on that Michigan medical mj website for further info.

Find special blood wreck pheno:::)


Well-Known Member
Im in northern cali. I have the real cut of it. A mother. Willing to share lol
I have one growing now from seed... but again, it is probably NOT the real genetics. The seed was an accident gifted from a friend and could actually be a cross. But what the hell, I'm giving it a shot. It will still be good weed. And I didn't pay $20. for a seed that probably isn't the real genetics unless you hit the genetic lottery.


trainwreck is on my bucket list.
I remember this series with Jorge Cervantes 'on the inside' where he tours a grow room in cali where they only grow the Tw. Mite find some nuggets of info there. G'luck!

here's the link
Train wreck 11 days into flower they look healthy enough but there drinking like mad 2 liters 1 litre 2 liters no days of
Thanks for the tips I'll put some more pics on soon they are
7 days into flower
Trainwreck 11 days into flower look ok but there drinking like mad


Well-Known Member
Trainwreck is one of my favorite strains but as you see above they do need support,

like with those tomato cages is a good idea, or be feeding a silica supplement to harden them sticks

many growers got pissed with this, and it soon got crossed with other strains that are more supporting,

hence, diluting that very strain that they are trying to grow out,

a standard indica/sativa hybrid, getting 'old' now, the best imo is the one from Humbolt Seed org.

which has a sativa leaning tendency, and was the best California could offer back in the mid '90s

Tuck may have used Trainwreck as a base for his famous Herijuana, but I'm not sure of this?


Well-Known Member
Growing a trainwreck from seed right now, I like the setup, looks close to mine.

I do know (the trainwreck i've done) does seem more viney than hard stalks and likes being tied up and spread out, unles vegged for 2 months or so, than the vines get more solid and branchy. I think the finished nugs are more dense and medium size, like pine cones. Not golf balls, but you probalby wont get baseball bats either.

Its a great all the time smoke (day or night) thats just a perfect 50/50 mix to me. Smoke a bowl during the day and you can still function, but smoke a joint or good 2-3 bowls in the bong and you are ripped. Not sleepy, more mellow the higher it gets. Single hits stay more heady. Its will have a skunky, dank smell instead of lime smell, but its not indica leaning at all in its high.