TowerDog & FlowerGirls Journal: Copycat AERO-2400 watts-Jillybean-PowerKush-Bagseed

We are a little late starting our journal here but, better late then never....I will try to give a brief summery and pics leading up to where we are now.

Long, Long ago (6 months) we started with one room that I framed out in the basement and a 400 watt light. I built a system that was similar to a stealth hydro bubbleponics system. This system is great for clones or fem seeds but, I did it the hard way and used reg seeds. When it came time to pull the males all the roots were one big ball. I cut and seperated them as well as I could but apparently there were still some roots that were cut and not separated and that lead to root rot. That almost killed everyone but we saved them and ended up 2 or 3 weeks behind on flowering. I will stop there for now and show some pics.


The last few weeks I have made a ton of changes. Sorry there isnt really any pics of the whole space but, I have taken out the 400 watt light and put in 2 1000 watt aircooled lights for the flower room witch is 4' 6" wide and 10' long. I put the 400 in a 4'x4' space for moms and veg. I also have 4- 4' flouro shop lights in a 2'x4' space for my cloner. I used EPIXBUDs same idea for aero tables and I built 4 of them. 2 under each 1k light. Now I just have to get cloning dialed in and fill up those tabes. I started 4 jillybean, 2 bagseed, and 1 powerkush. I planned on keeping the females for my mothers. Lucky me they were all females! I wasn't very successfull at cloning at first and I had an empty spot in the flower room so I put 2 JB, 1 PK, and 1 lemon skunk in one of my aero tables and set the up for a scrog. My intention is to have all 4 tables SOG perpetual. If you had the patients to read this tell me what you think!



Well-Known Member
awesome man! aero is tha shit. where did you get the colored cloner plugs? that is a must have. i'm super curious about the jilly bean too. have you smoked any yet? i got a couple subcools coming and heard nothin but good.
Jillybean is fo sho a must have. I have only harvested 1 and she is still cureing but it smells like fruit. I will try and get some macro shots but my cam doesnt like to focus close up. I ordered space queen. O and to answer your Q no I can only smoke on special occasians. I climb cell phone towers for a living and I get drug tested like crazy.

Colored cloner plugs on ebay. They are cheap as hell too. No matter how many you order the shipping is only $5 (if you live in the US)!


Well-Known Member
I'm in.bongsmilie

I've never ordered a Subcool strain. I've heard nothing but good things. You look like a damn fine gardener, and your setup looks very nice, man. Anxious to see what you get from em'.

Hope your as happy with that Powerkush as I am with mine.

I'm in.bongsmilie

I've never ordered a Subcool strain. I've heard nothing but good things. You look like a damn fine gardener, and your setup looks very nice, man. Anxious to see what you get from em'.

Hope your as happy with that Powerkush as I am with mine.


Thanks man. I did a shit ton of reading on medical strains b/c we are caregiviers for family members and Subcool's gear is top notch. He has some videos on utube. They tell me all I need to know about Subcool. He is laid back and modest to say the least. If you watch the videos you will see what I mean.

I have def. worked hard on my op man. I still have a ton that I would like to do to it. CO2 is for sure gonna be my next investment. If you guys see anything that I could change and make better by all means post away.


Well-Known Member
looks damn fine brother. beautiful roots. so since you barely get to smoke, what happens to those buds? i have a disposal service that will take care of that for you.


Well-Known Member
on you tube. good little instructional vid. i wish i was in mi. i for sure would like to try jillybean and now the attitude is sold out of em.
Yea I wanted to order Querkle. They r out of those too. Speedyseedz has TGA gear but I put my order in 3 weeks ago and havent got it yet. On top of that the dude is putting off sending me me tracking info. I just wrote my last nice email to him. If he doesnt do anythng to fix this im gonna post about on RIU (his only customers).


Well-Known Member
...hope you get your beans without havin to bash this dude...
Me too, man. He seems like a straight shooter. Maybe a little over-priced on some of his other stuff, but he's got the coolest shit, so it's to be expected. He might be just putting you off until he gets some more beans from the breeder.

If it was my money, I'd set his ass out there too. Business is business. Cant blame ya'.
I ordered Space Queen. The first Email I sent him he was super cool and promised that I would get my shit one way or another. He has the cheapest TGA/Subcool gear. Still havent heard from him.
On top of this deal with my beans I came home to unhealthy moms(the ones that I just put from DWC to dirt). Thy are the last 3 pics.

AND I am not sure but I think that I might have some hermies. First pic. Maybe im just being parinoid. What do you think? I could really use your help on this guys/gals


The white thing in the middle is what I am concerned about. Im pretty sure it is the bud forming but its always nice to have a second opinion. I have never had my plants this far along at the 2 week mark. Aero fuckin rocks!

Donkey & Chaos: Thanks alot for all your help! Much appreciated!

Oh yea I built a bud dryer today. I will post some pics tomarow. Tits up!



Well-Known Member
these are the same ones in question? i think you're gonna be fine man. male flowers are pretty obvious, at least the ones i've seen.
Speedy fixed my order today. I couldnt get space queen (he didnt have it in stock) but he had me pick out 2 other strains and processed the order on the spot. I got agent orange and Qleaner. This whole deal held up my op a little bit but I think it will be worth it in the long run.

I didnt have time to post pics of my bud dryer while I was home but, the fucker works real good! 3 days and into mason jars.

This weeked I will be taking my clones out of the cloner and putting them in another aero table. Then I will cut some new clones.

Do you guys think 3 weeks of flowering is to late to cut clones?