Touchet's Perpetual Garden

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New Member
Hi everyone, I'm a new member so I welcome any questions or comments in this journal.

Hope you enjoy my work.

Lights- 250 watt Feliz on tray 1/VEG & 150 watt Feliz on tray 2/VEG
Flowering is (2) 150 watt HPS lamps

Genetics are multiple

Nutrients are Dutch Master Gold for veg and flower

Foliar Feeding - Dutch Master Liquid Light and Penetrator

Mediums- Rockwool and Hydroton pebbles

Feeding technique- Drip stakes on VEG1, eb and flow on VEG2, and eb and flow in flowering.

Ventilation- 12" Phresh Filter to a Dayton 235 cfm blower to move it out, passive inlets from homes a/c system with 4" duct fans in line to boost static pressures bring the air in.

Mylar and IR Block are also used in the creation of this room.


The birth

2 weeks after going in the cube

Mommy, with her fast hiding to the left in the pot beside her

added a few more breeds for the wait for the first batch to come through

Mommies chillin waiting for the lights to get here

Clones are ready to go into 4" cubes now

the others are coming in nicely

Branches have reached the golden 25 count, plant at less than a foot tall.

Train wreck got topped a week or so before this

inside her...

yup those are pretty tight I'd say

newest addition to the family

And some flowering shots of the first set of clones you saw above they are currently at 3 weeks and three days of 12/12


and below

Let me know what ya think


New Member
Ok, I have a question or two about these plants. This is my first indoor grow as well as my first time using an all hydro system. I need to know first;

-What is going to be the best way to grow these ladies for maximum yield?

Now, before you answer some info on the plants: They are all about 12" in height, about 10" in diameter. All these plants are getting cloned this weekend and then going into the flowering chamber. I plan to only leave the top half or so worth of branches, about 25 sets total, so 50 branches will remain on the plant. The main stalk on these plants is VERY RIGID and about 3/4 of an inch in diameter and does not flex more than the top two inches at best. All the plants are in 4" rockwool cubes right now and the root balls are pretty well formed around the hydroton in the bottom of their pots.

Second question is, can anyone direct me to someone growing some purple kush and/or Afgooey? I have specific questions about these genetics.

Thanks in advance for any/all help?


New Member
Just finished a batch and snapped a couple pics before putting em back in the jar, don't laugh these are from the clones I used to sex two plants. They made it 7 weeks and then the stalks just kinda fell out under the strain.



New Member
Sweet little nugs and a nice setup! good first grow m8!

I hope it'll be a good harvest off the actual grow, lol. I just couldn't resist helping the clones I sexed stay alive long enough to harvest. They took a lot of care to pull through. I have new pics coming up in a few minutes as today is their first day of week four at 12/12. Up in about 20 minutes.


New Member
a few more of day 1 week 4 @ 12/12, (2) 150 watt HPS lights in a 5 ft wide 3ft deep 5ft tall area

How they look so far for some seeds that got pulled out of a bag last Christmas?


New Member
Now on to some business. A test, and I'll let you guys/gals pick the feed style as I know it won't matter. Two clones, same mother, one inch rockwool cubes used with Dutch Master replicator cloning gel. BOTH plants were nute burned by receiving a 1250 ppm dose of Dutch Master Gold Grow A&B and add.27 ( . There normal ppm at this time would be and is now going to be 700 ppm. I did it on purpose. Testing two things here something I already know I something I have a hunch on. I know what happens when I use Liquid Light feeding program ( so I want to prove it in a side by side comparison. I have a hunch that this stuff also helps "heal" sick plants. So, right before they flower we'll take four clones and hurt them all in their own special way to test this theory.

So you can pick between an ebb and flow set up, or a drip feed system for feeding them. Either way they are both now in 5" square pots with hydroton pebbles. And both are going to be LST'd as well.
So this portion of the test is to make a fair comparison of two genetic twins, one using whatever you want me to use for foliar feeding and one using Liquid light from Dutch Master and following their feeding program on the on-line nutrient calculator so everyone can monitor the ppm values for themselves for accuracy.
I use a 15 gallon reservoir setting on the calculator.

Lady #1

happy roots

buried good and deep

from above you can see both clones were topped four days ago.

Going down??



New Member
As you can see they show signs of nute burn, again, this was on purpose. The above plant wasn't so bad actually. We can use that for your choice of foliar feeding or we can go straight water on it to keep it "natural" in essence against Liquid Light.
The plant I will be using for the Liquid Light was badly damaged and need a hair cut. It will also make identifying it easier in the pics.

root system is a little lacking lol

had some seriiiiiious burns

so here she is

her torture...

she was in the tank for a full day with plants three weeks ahead of her.

Now tomorrow I will look at the answer posted for an alternate foliar feeding plan to the Liquid Light and hope fully we can start asap as their first day of week 2 is today and they were burned on friday. Flushed saturday, and placed back in an ebb n flow at 700 ppm currently.


Well-Known Member
Nice grow. I have a couple of suggestions. One is if you want to see alot of root growth out of the bottom of the rockwool put the cuttings on some perlite. The roots grow all through the perlite and looks pretty cool. Also have you had any problems with algae? The reason i ask is because you leave the plastic on the rockwool. I use to get algae problems alot until i took all the plastic coverings off. Anyways i will stick around for this grow if you dont mind.


Active Member
algae is caused by light hitting ya rockwool and growing with ya nutes, cover over the rockwool with black plastic sheet and ya wont get any algae.

I would like to see ya test "Liquid Light" VS an organic mix of Comfrey,seaweed and blackstrap molasses tea

Comfrey is easy to grow and once established can be increased by division. A good source of both nutrients and minerals it is particularly high in potash and is therefore good for fruit bearing plants such as tomatoes or cucumbers. The leaves are mixed with water at the rate of 1l lbs per three gallons and left to ferment in a covered container for about a month. It makes sense therefore to make a large amount while you are at it. Up-market gardeners use a barrel with a tap at the bottom for pouring off the ensuing brown liquid.

Liquid seaweed has many advantages including the fact that the lazy gardener can simply buy it in a gardening shop. Not only is seaweed a high source of minerals, many claim it prevents diseases, discourages pests and even affords plants a degree of protection against frost.

Blackstrap molasses is a source of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and iron. Blackstrap, often sold as a health supplement, is also used in the manufacture of cattle feed and for other industrial uses.

organic VS chemicals!

I know who my money would be on!


New Member
I would be willing to put my money on the biggest yield coming from LL over anything but thats why i am willing to try. If there is anything I can purchase from a store I will do it today and we'll start tomorrow.

here's a quick glimpse into my garden as of two weeks ago roughly, watch me go through the different strains and look at the dates. Most we're germ'd feb 3 or feb 14



New Member
Man that Train Wreck on the 1st page is FUCKING NUTS!!!!! How the hell did you get that tight of spacing?
That's almost too damn tight, the light can't get in to help 'em grow, try and spread out your leafs.
I'd pull that bitch over 90 degrees and have 'em all turn into tops.
+rep man
The rep thing is doing something fucked up so, I'll rep ya some other time
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