Totally Automated Hydro System...Please Help!

Hey guys, I'm just about to finish off my 1st harvest. (I got 5 OZ from two plants, whiteberry)
I want to start growing indoors again. My question is: Is there a fully automated hydroponic system out there?
I tried DWC the 1st time, but the hassle of changing the water and moving the plants every week, fuck
I do not want a $1000+ grow box. I just wanna grow like 5-10 plants without all the water changing and plant moving problems.
Any ideas????


Active Member
Yep its called a HEMPY BUCKET....U take a 2-5 gallon bucket drill a hole not to big or to small about 2inches from bottom of bucket fill it up with either str8 perlite, perlite and vermicite(spelling), or perlite and coco...Normal ratios r perlite 3to1....U water as need i water 2 times a day small amounts i give alot of attention to my girls but if u dont have time to do this u can just water till u have 30% runoff(u need catch trys under bucket) and u dont need to water for 2-3 days depending on how hot it is where u r...Start ur seeds or cuttings in a plastic cup 16-20oz for first 2 weeks or so then into buckets for remander of time no res changes only water as needed and with the hole 2 inches from bottom it acts like a res so every couple of weeks give the ladies a good flushing 2 liters or more depending on bucket size but thats it no taking out the plants or anything just need a good flush thats it...


Active Member
U will have great results with these buckets i promise they r very forgiven...Im getting on average 45-50gs dried off autos which is double what im told they will produce...


Active Member
If your rich and stupid hydro is for you. No two hydro set-ups are the same. They won't tell you that, by the time you understand just the ph, you've killed all your plants. There's no half-way, everything and i mean 'everything has to be exactly right, and just when you think you got it, it changes.
Excellent ideas guys. Problem though...My landlord just found my dried leaves and put 2 and 2 together. Any ideas stealth growing? He's gonna be coming over every 2 months for an inspection now.


Active Member
I was just goin out and what's sittin by the trash, two tall sterio speakers, banged up a bit but hey one plant each one cfl forget the ph, some good 'dirt' and presto one stealth grow.


Active Member
Bro u can do the buckets in there but how r u gonna cover the smell, if there big enough throw a GONZO odor blocker bag in each box and it will contain the smell for ya and get the 125w cfls if ya can...GL bro


"Hey guys, I'm just about to finish off my 1st harvest. (I got 5 OZ from two plants, whiteberry)
I want to start growing indoors again. My question is: Is there a fully automated hydroponic system out there?
I tried DWC the 1st time, but the hassle of changing the water and moving the plants every week, fuck
I do not want a $1000+ grow box. I just wanna grow like 5-10 plants without all the water changing and plant moving problems.
Any ideas????"

Please let me know if you need my expertise. My latest prototype is a full working computer that grows start to finish without your assistance. Automatically adjusts ph/moisture/ and growth (automatically topping plant with ir laser cutter.....prevents any contamination) Also switches lights for flowering and time cycle as well. At the moment it only grows 1 plant but a nice lowryder dwarf would fetch at least a few OZ dry. vertical grow space is 24". The lighting system is all led. Don't believe what people tell you about not having enough power to get through flowering. I custom built all the panels along with controllers and interface module. It provides more power per W than HID systems. I hit every wavelength needed for optimal growth. The system is dummy proof. Saftey switches are in place for auto shut of of laser when ultrasonic sensor is not activated. Saftey switches also attached to case so it is deactivated when open. Ask away. I already know you have questions


stealth and efficiency at its finest. you can even monitor your plant through web enabled phone. The computer has an hd camera that you can remotely access.


Well-Known Member
yea just bury the seed in the back yard and setup your sprinklers to run 15-30 mins a day and your good to go.