Total Noob needs help big time.


Active Member
Hello fellow pot-smokers..or people that like bracelets made of hemp. I need some help. Let me get right to the point.
I have some left-over seeds from some really good bud that I purchased, and what I need to know do I get it started. I understand about the proper lighting, soil, ph levels, amount of water..etc etc.

My situation is, I am buliding a small box for a couple plants and am using a soft white floro. I have placed seeds in the soil inside 20oz coffee cups, but I think I may have screwed up or something. How many days does it take to see some growth..any growth, and how far down do I put the seed into the soil. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
i kinda hate when people say this...but check out the grow faq. but ususally people like to germinate their seeds before planting them. Something like putting them between damp paper towel until they sprout and then planting them. If you just put them in the soil you end up in the situatition that you are now...when are they going to pop up? who know...none of them could come up..or all of them could pop up tomorrow, ya don't know...GROWFAQ


Active Member
I'm going to try to paper towel method and also put a heating pad on low underneath two plates. I'll let ya know how it goes. Hopefully my seeds are not too old.