
Does anyone know exactly how topping works or does anyone hav a step-by-step link on how to top plants properly so i dont butcher my girls?:?: Help, help, help me out here lol
no way.....its that simple? k its afgan haze n pinapple just clip the top n im done? how far down should i cut? they r almost 4 weeks it time?


Active Member
how many nodes does it have? if its got 3 then pinch her head off at the top node, any more then 3 take it down to the second node.
011.jpg014.jpg012.jpg015.jpgwell i topped em n so far they seem fine. the 2 pics on the left are the afgan haze n the pineapple express is on the right. hope it works out....


Active Member
Save those tops! On my first round I grabbed 9 clones. 2 of those were tops and they are by far the coolest ones I have going. They both have crazy amounts of tightly packed nodes compared to the others. I've already had to top them about two weeks before I'll be topping the other ladies.